Update 1: Community guidance re Day of Action, Friday, Oct 13

Last Updated: October 12, 2023 at 6PM EST

In an effort to provide the most up-to-date security guidance, the JSA would like to reiterate that, as of this writing, there are still no known credible or specific threats to the Jewish communities in New York and New Jersey.

The JSA continues to be in close communication and coordination with our law enforcement partners, including attending security briefings hosted by the FBI and the NYPD today. According to their assessment:

  • The FBI across the country and around the world is taking this situation very seriously and working 24/7 to monitor any developments.
  • There are no credible or specific threats at this time. Analysts are constantly collecting intelligence and will update should this change.
  • Law enforcement is aware of and prepared for the protests taking place tomorrow afternoon in New York City, and noted there is no coordinated mobilization against the Jewish community in New York that they are aware of at this time.
  • Law enforcement voiced concern that the ongoing war and communications from Hamas “may inspire lone wolf attacks,” but reiterated that they are “vigilant and aggressively postured to combat this threat.”

The JSA is aware of a myriad of rumors circulating, including that law enforcement has issued threat alerts regarding specific Jewish institutions or New York landmarks. These rumors are unfounded, as confirmed to us by our law enforcement partners. Please be aware that misinformation is circulating and avoid spreading information that has not been corroborated. If the threat level changes, per the directive of law enforcement, the JSA will notify you accordingly and as soon as possible.

As a reminder, we are advising institutions to remain open and operational. We encourage the following security precautions and procedures be implemented at your institutions:

  • LIMITED BUILDING ACCESS: Limit your building access to only one entrance/exit. Ensure all doors remain locked at all times and are only unlocked to admit known individuals. Do not open doors for unknown
  • DROP OFF & PICK UP: Security and staff should be outside at this time and on the lookout for any suspicious individuals in these high traffic times.
  • PERIMETER SWEEP: Upon opening your institution, conduct an outside sweep of your building’s Report any suspicious items or individuals lurking outside to law enforcement immediately.
  • CAMERA COVERAGE: Ensure all building cameras are on and properly Designate an individual to review security footage continuously throughout the day.
  • SYSTEMS CHECKS: Ensure that anything that is battery powered or electronically controlled is working This could include access controls, panic buttons, AEDs etc.
  • MAIL AND DELIVERIES: Screen any packages and mail thoroughly that comes to the building. If you didn’t order it, do not accept Review your institution’s procedures for suspicious mail.
  • ACTIVE THREAT PROTOCOLS: Review your institution’s active threat situation protocols and ensure relevant staff is up to date on Consider conducting an
  • institution-wide drill.
  • LAW ENFORCEMENT: Connect with your local law enforcement and provide them your schedule over the coming days, including school and prayer times.

We understand these are stressful and scary times, but our community is united and we have tremendous law enforcement partners at both the local and federal level.

Please keep calm and carry on.

Click here to download a PDF copy of this alert.