Been waiting? Two security grants are coming soon

  1. We now expect FEMA will release the FY 2017 Nonprofit Security Grant Program guidelines next Friday, June 2nd to the states. New York’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services has been working hard and they will have their Request for Applications (RFA) ready ASAP. However, they must have their documents approved through the various channels as required by NY State law. If all goes well the RFA will be available soon after the federal guidance.
  2. The application deadline in NY depends on the DHS/FEMA deadline. Remember, they have to score the applications and comply with federal guidelines for submission. That takes time, especially when they must process 200 or so applications. Please don’t contact us to ask about the due date… no one will know it before DHS/FEMA publishes their guidance. Expect a quick turnaround.
  3. The New York State Hate Crimes grant applications will be released within the same timeframe. As soon as we see the RFA we will publish additional materials to help qualified groups apply for that grant.
  4. NY applicants: If your Grants Gateway Document Vault is not prequalified (or well under way) you are running out of time. Organizations that are not prequalified will not be allowed to submit for the grants. If you previously prequalified, certain documents may need to be updated. Check your Document Vault to verify that it is up to date. Click here for more information.
Powerpoint presentation/video Download a PDF from our 2017 webinar here and view the recording: Part 1, Part 2
Organization type/Definition of Mission As many have learned, the grant guidelines make “Organization type” a factor in the scoring. Our attempts to formally change the guidelines language faltered during the change of administration. We were advised by House Homeland Security Chairman McCaul’s team  to neutralize this arbitrary scoring measurement self-identify as  “Ideology-based/Spiritual/Religious”. This would apply whether your organization is a religious corporation or simply religiously-affiliated (e.g., JCC, Jewish Family Service, etc.)
NY nonprofit grants webpage  Click here for New York’s nonprofit webpage. When available it will have the RFA (application package), all of the forms necessary for the submission of your application and  the E-grant application and tutorial. (If you have an existing account — and remember the
username/password — you don’t have to reapply.)
Risk assessment You can do conduct a self-assessment, have your local police do a crime prevention survey or get an independent professional. Find guidance and contacts
here and JCRC-NY’s guide to security consultants here. There are some good self-assessment tools available. Check out:

Many crime prevention surveys do not give the information necessary to complete the “Threat” section of the Investment Justification? Collect information specific to your organization (e.g., phone threats, graffiti) to document your threat and then  download our Selective Threat Scan for documentation and help with the “Threat” and “Consequences” questions.

Investment Justification Download the 2016 Investment Justification here to see what the application looks like. Make sure to submit your information on the 2017 forms are released.
For the most up-to-date info /securitygrants