The Nonprofit Security Grant Program is here


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security released its Notice of Funding Opportunity yesterday. As expected the time frame will be quite narrow.  New York DHSES is getting final approvals on its Request for Applications. It will be available here. Our best guess is that the deadline will be in 2-3 weeks.

  • In FY 2018, Congress appropriated $50 million for nonprofit security through the Urban Area Security Initiative (NSGP-UA) for 32 regions, including New York City (including Long Island and Westchester). There is a supplemental program of $10 million.
  • Each eligible organization can apply for equipment totaling $150,000.
  • Target hardening proposals can now include equipment, planning and training.
  • For information about the NSGP-S (supplemental) program for organizations outside of the 32 designated areas, see the JFNA preliminary memorandum here.
  • See our presentation, with much more information here and our new help document Tying together the risk and target hardening language. See the information below for the next steps.


    ·       Date:                           Thursday, May 24, 2018

    ·       Time:                          3:30 PM (EDT)

    ·       Call-In #:                    1-800-369-2127

    ·       Participant Passcode: 5804555

    ·       Adobe Connect Link:

Getting started

The process and application is likely to be quite similar to last year’s RFA (Request for Applications) :

  • Prequalification. Plan to complete your prequalification ASAP. New York State will not accept applications for grants unless the applicant is prequalified, i.e., applicants must upload basic organizational documents and answer questions about their nonprofit’s capacity and integrity. This portal is known as the “Grants Gateway.”
    • New applicants. See JCRC-NY’s additional information about how to get started and special instructions for religious corporations at: /document-vault-faqs/. Updated
    • Previously prequalified. If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents if your document vault “expires” (i.e, certain information goes out of date). Check out your Document Vault for more information.
  • E-Grants. New York State applicants to both programs must submit all of their application package through the E-grants system. Download the E-Grants Registration and follow the instructions to obtain an account and password. The E-Grants Tutorial shows you how to get through the process.
  • Risk/vulnerability assessment. The federal grant requires organizations to submit an assessment and the state grant asks for much of the same information. Learn more about the options to get a risk assessment or to conduct one yourself here. Use this information to complete the “Vulnerability” section on the Investment Justification.
  • Look at the 2017 Investment Justification. Click here to see and download an example of what the application looks like. We expect very few changes. We will post the 2018 Invesment Justification as soon as it is available.
  • Learn about risk and threats.  Review JCRC-NY’s Selective Threat Scan for help on how to answer the questions on threats and consequences.
  • Equipment. Click here to see the Authorized Equipment List from 2017. We do not expect many changes.
  • Subscribe. Click here to add your name to the JCRC-NY Security and Emergency Preparedness Alert list, which will notify you about additional details when they become available.