Nonprofit security grant updates

Application information for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) will be released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on or about May 13, 2022. NY DHSES will publish its Request for Applications shortly thereafter. Anticipate an New York application window of two weeks or less. Take steps immediately to address the issues below. 

What can you do immediately?

  1. Review the latest information. If you didn’t see FEMA’s technical assistance presentation last week, click here to see the slides, including allowable projects, recommendations and other basic information. Note: this year’s Investment Justification will be in the easier-to-use PDF format. Another change, new applicants will be eligible for a 15 point bonus.
  2. Get a UEI. Previous grantees all know about DUNS numbers, but DUNS numbers will not be accepted. Obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). This process is challenging so do not leave it until the last minute. Click here to download the Quick Start Guide for Getting a Unique Entity Identifier
  3. Update your Document Vault. All New York applicants must be prequalified in order to submit an application. 
    • Certain financial documents must be updated annually. If you are already prequalified, ensure that all financial documentation in your document vault is current and will not be expiring in the near future. Organizations with expired documentation will not be considered for funding. 
    • Organizations that used the “Streamlined” prequalification process for the Hate Crimes (SCAHC) grants last year must  prequalify using the traditional process. 

For more information on prequalification, and maintaining prequalification, please visit:

    1. Assessments. An up-to-date vulnerability assessment must be attached to each application. CSI will continue to deliver assessments to organizations on a three-year cycle (once every three years). The vulnerability assessment submitted must be current and accurately reflect the site’s security vulnerabilities at the time your application is submitted
        • Click here to request a physical or cybersecurity assessment, training or purchasing support. Note, the CSI team is delivering scores of physical assessments and CSI has brought in additional experts. However, at this time we cannot guarantee the delivery of physical assessments before the grant applications are due. 
        • Organizations can update their recent assessments. Click here for instructions. CSI will supply our current threat overview. Request one here
        • The vulnerability assessment must contain the site’s physical address, which must match the physical address provided in the Investment Justification (IJ) and in the Work Plan of your E-Grants application. 
        • Each and every project being requested in the IJ must be clearly linked to a security vulnerability identified in the vulnerability assessment.  Requested projects that are not reflected as vulnerabilities in the assessment will not be funded.
      1. E-Grants. You must be a registered user of the DHSES E-Grants System.  All applications must be submitted to DHSES using this system.  If you need information about this system or need to register for access, please see the NY DHSES website for instructions:
      2. Charities Bureau.
        You must be registered, have recently applied for registration, or be exempt from registering with the NYS Attorney General’s Office Charities Bureau: