Nonprofit Security Grant: Last minute FAQ’s

Applications Due by June 12, 2017, 11:59 pm. We know that many of you are busy trying to finish up the work while facing a crazy deadline. Here are some last minute tips:

Technical problems

  • Prequalification/Document Vault. To those of you who are still trying to upload everything into your Document Vault: If you get a message that says that your Document Vault was  sent back for modifications, that something is wrong with it. Check it out the report and fix whatever is missing or incomplete. Too many people are just resubmitting it “as is”.  The Grants Gateway staff is working overtime to try to prequalify everyone who completes the work. Please don’t waste their time.
  • Faulty Investment Justification template. Our friends in Washington, DC initially sent Albany a problematic file. If you downloaded a form Monday morning and are having trouble entering information, simply download another here.

Investment Justification FAQ’s

  • Tips. Don’t know how to answer a question? See our suggestions here and from JFNA here.
  • Threats. Remember, you are told to “discuss findings from risk assessment, police findings, and/or insurance claims at the location where the physical security enhancements will be installed.”
    • Cite you risk assessment and the author’s credentials (e.g., an industry certification like CPP, police department, etc.).
    • Mention mail, telephonic or electronic threats, negative graffiti or vandalism at your facility or those nearby.
    • If your risk assessment doesn’t cite the key threats, note that the updated National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin concludes that “specific attack tactics have included the use of vehicle ramming, small arms, straight-edged blades or knives, and homemade explosives, as well as other acts such as taking hostages.”
  • Tell a story.
    • Vulnerability. Your risk assessment informs you about what can go wrong. Your risk assessment should itemize your vulnerability. For example: “The main entrance, fire egress doors and internal doors will not withstand a forced entry attack or limit unauthorized persons from accessing interior areas of the building” or “Electronic access control systems are not utilized to support authorized-only accessibility within and throughout the building and the system does not have an emergency lockdown feature. Much of the building is interconnected and once entry has been made into the building, an attacker can reach most other areas of the facility.” Choose to address your high priority vulnerabilities with this grant.
    • Target hardening.  Your improvements must address identified threats or vulnerabilities. So, using the “Door” vulnerability  the recommendation is: “To limit unauthorized persons from pushing in and/or breaking through the main entrance, it is recommended that these doors and their related framings, hinges, closing hardware, glass panels, walls, ceiling and locking systems be modified to be forced entry resistant. The installation and proper use of impact resistant doors might deter an attack, might deny an intruder entry, should delay his/her entry, thereby  mitigating the injuries and damage from an attack.” The second section of Target Hardening requires the AEL code and description (14SW-01-DOOR | Doors and Gates, Impact Resistant), a simple reference to your vulnerability section (e.g., Vulnerable Doors), and a cost estimate.
  • Costs. You don’t have to get bids during the application process. However, if you are awarded a grant and find that you need to modify your plan you must receive permission from NYS DHSES and they must have it approved by DHS.
  • Impact. Confused about “measurable outputs and outcomes”? See our tips or our webpage.

Finishing up

  • EGrants. Remember, your entire application package must be submitted via E-Grants.
    • Don’t wait for the last minute! If you have questions (If you have a problem: DHSES can be reached at 1-866-837-9133 or you might not be able to get an answer right away due to the onrush of questions. Allocate enough time for things to go wrong.
    • Use the E-Grants tutorial.  We open the E-Grants document in one window and the tutorial in another. Then, we simultaneously scroll through the tutorial and the E-Grants forms and fill in the blanks with whatever the tutorial recommends.
  • Checklist. Sorry, we’re too busy to produce our fancy checklist this year. The RFA explains “To be considered for funding, eligible nonprofit organization must submit a complete application using the State’s Electronic Grants (E-Grants) System (Click on the link if you don’t have an E-Grants Registration account).
    • Investment Justification Template (Submitted as an attachment in E-Grants)
    • Contact Information (Section of E-Grants)
    • Proposed Project Workplan Information (Section of E-Grants)
    • Budget Request Information (Section of E-Grants)
    • Certification to Accept the Assurances (Section of E-Grants)
    • Status History report from Grants Gateway website showing prequalification status (Submitted as an attachment in E-Grants)
    • Signed and notarized Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire (Submitted as an Attachment in E-Grants)
    • Mission Statement (Submitted as an attachment in E-Grants)
    • Threat and/or vulnerability assessment, if installing equipment at more than one location, assessments must be submitted for each location (Submitted as an attachment in E-Grants)