Category Archives: Nonprofit Security

The Nonprofit Security Grant Program is here

May 22, 2018


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security released its Notice of Funding Opportunity yesterday. As expected the time frame will be quite narrow.  New York DHSES is getting final approvals on its Request for Applications. It will be available here. Our best guess is that the deadline will be in 2-3 weeks.

  • In FY 2018, Congress appropriated $50 million for nonprofit security through the Urban Area Security Initiative (NSGP-UA) for 32 regions, including New York City (including Long Island and Westchester). There is a supplemental program of $10 million.
  • Each eligible organization can apply for equipment totaling $150,000.
  • Target hardening proposals can now include equipment, planning and training.
  • For information about the NSGP-S (supplemental) program for organizations outside of the 32 designated areas, see the JFNA preliminary memorandum here.
  • See our presentation, with much more information here and our new help document Tying together the risk and target hardening language. See the information below for the next steps.


    ·       Date:                           Thursday, May 24, 2018

    ·       Time:                          3:30 PM (EDT)

    ·       Call-In #:                    1-800-369-2127

    ·       Participant Passcode: 5804555

    ·       Adobe Connect Link:

Getting started

The process and application is likely to be quite similar to last year’s RFA (Request for Applications) :

  • Prequalification. Plan to complete your prequalification ASAP. New York State will not accept applications for grants unless the applicant is prequalified, i.e., applicants must upload basic organizational documents and answer questions about their nonprofit’s capacity and integrity. This portal is known as the “Grants Gateway.”
    • New applicants. See JCRC-NY’s additional information about how to get started and special instructions for religious corporations at: /document-vault-faqs/. Updated
    • Previously prequalified. If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents if your document vault “expires” (i.e, certain information goes out of date). Check out your Document Vault for more information.
  • E-Grants. New York State applicants to both programs must submit all of their application package through the E-grants system. Download the E-Grants Registration and follow the instructions to obtain an account and password. The E-Grants Tutorial shows you how to get through the process.
  • Risk/vulnerability assessment. The federal grant requires organizations to submit an assessment and the state grant asks for much of the same information. Learn more about the options to get a risk assessment or to conduct one yourself here. Use this information to complete the “Vulnerability” section on the Investment Justification.
  • Look at the 2017 Investment Justification. Click here to see and download an example of what the application looks like. We expect very few changes. We will post the 2018 Invesment Justification as soon as it is available.
  • Learn about risk and threats.  Review JCRC-NY’s Selective Threat Scan for help on how to answer the questions on threats and consequences.
  • Equipment. Click here to see the Authorized Equipment List from 2017. We do not expect many changes.
  • Subscribe. Click here to add your name to the JCRC-NY Security and Emergency Preparedness Alert list, which will notify you about additional details when they become available.

Great news: Omnibus Bill has $50M plus for nonprofit security grants

March 22, 2018

Congressional leaders posted the text of Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (aka the Omnibus Bill)) last night. Its passage will keep the government operating for the remainder of the fiscal year. Included in the bill (besides the Taylor Force Act) is an allocation of $50 million (up from $25M) for the Nonprofit Security Grants Program (NSGP) and $10 million for nonprofits outside of the designated UASI regions (Good news for upstate and Connecticut institutions).

We won’t know when the application package will be available or the deadline for submission until the U.S. Department of Homeland Security releases its guidance. People always complain that they aren’t given enough time to complete their applications so we advise you to click to and follow the instructions to get started now.

The projected increase in the grant allocation would not be possible without our Congressional champions. A major push for the $50 million came in a bipartisan “Dear Colleague” letter to the leadership of the House Appropriations Committee (including the Ranking Member, our own Rep. Nita Lowey) circulated by Representatives Bill Pascrell, Jr. and our own Dan Donovan, Jr. Our New York delegation figured prominently among the signers, including: Representatives Yvette Clarke, Joseph Crowley, Eliot Engel, Adriano Espaillat, John Faso, Hakeem Jeffries, John Katko, Peter King, Carolyn Maloney, Gregory Meeks, Jerrold Nadler, Thomas Suozzi, Kathleen Rice, Claudia Tenney and Nydia Velázquez. Of course, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Democratic Leader Charles Schumer were helpful in the Senate. Please contact their offices to let them know that you appreciate their leadership.

JCRC-NY and UJA-Federation are key members of the dynamic coalition that pushes for this legislation year-after-year. The linchpin of this effort is Rob Goldberg of the Washington, DC office of the Jewish Federations of North America. Our friend, William Daroff, the senior vice president for public policy and director of the Washington office of The Jewish Federations of North America, plays an important role.

Updated: Winter season security threats

December 05, 2017

Update: December 11, 2017.

Explosion-Port Authority Bus Terminal Passageway to Times Square 
At approximately, 7:20AM today  police responded to a reported explosion under the Port Authority Bus Terminal Station in New York City.

  • According to the NYPD, one suspect, Akayed Ullah, who wore an “improvised low-tech explosive device attached to his body,” is in custody following an explosion.
  • The suspect is one of four people who have been injured. All of the injuries are believed to be non-life threatening at this time.
  • The Port Authority at 42nd Street and 8th Avenue has been evacuated as a precautionary measure and subways did not stop at Times Square. Regular subway service resumed, with residual delays, at 11:03AM.

The police and FBI will continue their investigation. A transcript of the media availability at the scene can be found here.

According to our sources, there are no specific, credible intelligence regarding threats to the Homeland resulting from the announcement that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Homegrown violent extremists (HVEs) have long cited US foreign policy as being among their primary grievances, and their access to readily available weapons makes it increasingly easy for them to conduct an attack with little or no warning.

We reiterate our recommendations below.

Analyses of recent events highlight potential tactics: Ramming, Edged weapons, Improvised explosive devices, small arms or a combination thereof. Out of an abundance of caution we recommend that Jewish organizations should review their security posture and implement a policy of heightened vigilance. Consider giving special attention to security awareness, access control, mail and package screening, active shooter plans and general security protocols.


  • Awareness
    • Brief your staff on basic suspicious behavior (Indicators of Terrorist Activity from the NYPD and Security Awareness by Paul DeMatties) and make them aware that they are responsible for immediately reporting suspicious activity or persons.
    • Create a “culture of security” in your organization. Security is everybody’s business. Everyone should know, “If you see something, say something.”
    • Check in with your local law enforcement officials. Let them know if you have any upcoming programs.
  • Access control
    • Review your access control and security policies and procedures should be reviewed and strictly followed.
    • Utilize additional security during high-volume arrival or departure times.
    • Brief your security staff concerning your enhanced expectations, and have supervisors make additional visits to your location to ensure compliance.
  • Mail and package screening
    • Review your mailroom security and handling procedures with staff. See the comprehensive “Best Practices for Mail Screening and Handling” guide from DHS is available here. Check out Safe Mail Handling from DHS and find the USPS page on mail security, including suspicious mail and packages, here.
    • Advise your mailroom personnel not to handle letters or packages that look suspicious (discoloration, stains, or emits an odor).Personnel should immediately leave the area and dial 911. Personnel should make sure that no one re-enters the area until the NYPD/FDNY Hazmat Unit declares it safe.Consider the following:
      1. Larger organizations should continue to screen and x-ray their mail. The USPS best practices for mail center security contains an excellent chapter, “Protect Your Business from Package Bombs and Bomb Threats”.
      2. All organizations, large and small, need to examine all mail and packages, whether delivered via the post office, UPS, FedEx, other carrier or hand delivered.
      3. Whether or not your organization has a mail room, designate and train specific people to screen your organization’s mail. Make sure that they know what your screening protocols are and know what to do if they find anything suspicious.
      4. Screen your mail in a separate room. That way if you find anything suspicious, you can easily isolate it.
      5. If you believe that an envelope or package contains a hazardous substance (e.g., an unknown white powder) instruct your screener to avoid inhaling the particulates, wash his/her hands with soap and room temperature water and isolate him/her in an adjoining, designated area away from the substance and await instructions from the first responders (This will take some planning. You don’t want anyone walking past the other employees and possibly contaminating them).
      6. If you deem an item to be suspicious: 
        • Do not open it.
        • Do not shake it.
        • Do not examine or empty the contents.
        • Leave the room.
        • Close the door.
        • Alert others in the area.
        • Call 911.
        • Shut down your HVAC (heating, ventilation and cooling) systems, if possible.
        • Consider whether you want to vacate your premises.

      If you have a specific question about a package mailed to you, you can contact:

      PO BOX 555
      NEW YORK NY 10116-0555
      Phone : 877-876-2455
  • Active shooters. Print out and distribute the NYPD flyer here to your constituencies and find more resources at the JCRC-NY active shooter resources page.
  • General
    • Conduct interior and exterior security inspections (by security, maintenance staff, trained volunteers, executive staff, etc.) several times a day.
    • Check all security equipment for fitness.
    • Review available video system recordings (day and night) daily to detect suspicious activity.


Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill: Alright, good morning. Everyone’s got sound? Everybody’s good? Alright, good morning. At 7:20 am, approximately, 7:20 am this morning, we had terror related incident in the subway, in the passageway between 42nd and Eight, and 42nd and Seventh. The Governor is going to speak. The Mayor is going to speak. I’m going to give you some more details. Dan Nigro is going to talk about some of the minor injuries and then Joe Lhota is going to talk about subway service. Governor?

Governor Andrew Cuomo: Thank you, good morning to everyone. The first news this morning was obviously very frightening and disturbing. When you hear about a bomb in the subway station, which is in many ways one of our worst nightmares, the reality turns out better than the initial expectation and fear.

You had a number of law enforcement agencies that did a fantastic job. The NYPD, the PAPD, the Port Authority Police, the MTA Police, they were all on it. You see behind us representatives of all the agencies coordinated. The Assistant Director of the FBI, Bill Sweeney, is here. So everyone worked together.

There was an explosion. The Police Commissioner will go over the details. It was a minor – it was an effectively low tech device. There were several injuries, we hope minor, and it was handled extraordinarily well. There was a disruption in train service and bus service while a sweep was being done, that’s all being restored now, as you will hear from Joh Lhota. The subway station – subway service, except at 42nd Street is being restored. The Port Authority Bus Terminal is re-opened, so buses will be running once again.

This is New York. The reality is that we are a target by many who would like to make a statement against democracy, against freedom. We are the Statue of Liberty in our harbor. And that makes us an international target, we understand that. With the internet now, anyone can go on the internet, and download garbage and vileness on how to put together an amateur level explosive device, and that is a reality that we live with. The counter-reality is that this is New York, and we all pitch together, and we are a savvy people, and we keep our eyes open. And that’s what see something, say something is all about. And we have the best law enforcement on the globe. And we are all working together extraordinarily well.

I want to thank the Mayor and the Mayor’s Office for doing a great job this morning and we will go forward, and we will go forward together. All the service will resume. Let’s go back to work. We are not going to allow them to disrupt us. That’s exactly what they want and that is exactly what they’re not going to get. Thank you.

Mayor Bill de Blasio: Thank you very much Governor. Let’s be clear, as New Yorkers, our lives revolve around the subways. When we hear of an attack on the subway, it’s incredibly unsettling. And let’s be also clear, this was attempted terrorist attack. Thank God the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goals. Thank God our first responders were there so quickly to address the situation, to make sure people were safe. Thank God the only injuries, that we know at this point, were minor.

But I agree 100 percent with the Governor’s point. The choice of New York is always for a reason. Because we’re beacons to the world and we actually show that society of many faiths and many backgrounds can work, and we showed that democracy can work. And our enemies want to undermine that, the terrorist want to undermine that, so they yearn to attack New York City. But New York City is blessed with the finest law enforcement, and what our first responders did today was another example the ability to assess a situation quickly, contain it, and make sure people are safe.

Let me just say, it’s very important for my fellow New Yorkers to know. There are no additional known instance at this time, there are no additional known activities. We will wait for a fuller investigation, of course, by the NYPD, the MTA police, the Port Authority police, and the FBI, but at this point in time, all we know of is one individual, who thank God was unsuccessful in his aims. There are also no credible and specific threats against New York City at this time. But we will give you more information, of course, as the investigation unfolds.

The first responders responded brilliantly. Now the mission of the NYPD is to secure all major transit hubs and major sites in this city. So you will see expanded NYPD presence today all over the city. New Yorkers have come to understand when you see our specialized forces, when you see those long guns, and those highly trained officers, that’s something that should be reassuring to you. That means that the NYPD is on full alert and out in force and that means you are safe.

Finally I want to say, the Governor invoked that phrase, we can’t say it enough times, when you see something, say something. This is the difference maker. We’ve seen it time and again. When an everyday New Yorker sees something that doesn’t make sense, hears something, sees a package, gets a feeling that something’s wrong. Don’t hold it yourself, tell a police officer. They are the ones who can take the information and act on it. It is so important to speak up because you could be saving many lives by doing so.

I’ll finish by saying this. This is most resilient place on Earth, we’ve proven it time and time again. We’ve proved it just over a month ago. We proved it on 9/11. We are going to prove it again today. The terrorists will not win, we are going keep being New Yorkers. Let’s get back to work. Thank you.

Commissioner O’Neill: Alright these are the preliminary facts. So – just – it just happened a couple hours ago, so you have to understand these are preliminary facts. At approximately 7:20 am, at a below ground walkway, which connects the IND line at 4-2 and Eight Avenue with the IRT line at 4-2 and seven, and that’s the shuttle at Time Square and the 1,2,3 train.

Police were called to a reported explosion. Responding units found an injured 27-year-old male. We’ve identified him as Akayed Ullah, A-K-A-Y-E-D-U-L-L-A-H. He had burns and wounds to his body. Preliminary investigation at the scene indicates this male was wearing an improvised, low-tech explosive device attached to his body. He intentionally detonated that device. Looks like that there were three other people in the immediate area also sustain minor injuries, but Dan Nigro is going to talk about that. The subject was placed in custody and transported to Bellevue Hospital.

Immediate police response to the scene included members of the Transit Bureau, Emergency Service Decision, Bomb Squad, Counter-Terrorism, MTA Police, State Troopers, and the FBI’s Joint Terrorist Taskforce.  In addition, the NYPD Strategic Response Group and Critical Response Command, were assigned to other key transportation hubs and other locations throughout the city as a precautionary measure.

This incident was captured on transit system video. A further review and interviewing witnesses is under way, a thorough background investigation Akayed Ullah is being conducted by the Joint Terrorist Taskforce. We are asking anyone who may have any information about this individual or incident to call the terror headline, and that’s, 8-8-8-NYC-SAFE.

Just as the Governor said, and as the Mayor said, we are New Yorkers, we don’t live in fear. If you see something doesn’t look right ,you have an obligation to come forward, call 9-1-1, flag down a cop, and give us a chance to investigate it. Dan Nigro is going to talk about the injuries now. Dan?

Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro: Thank you Jim. As the Police Commissioner mentioned the perpetrator detonated the device, it caused burns to the hands and the abdomen, also lacerations. Our EMS personnel removed the perpetrator to Bellevue Hospital where they’re being treated now. Three other people that were in proximity of the explosion removed themselves. Two of them took themselves to Mt. Saini West, one to Mt. Saini Queens. All with minor injuries that are consistent with being in the area of the explosion. That is ringing in the ears and headaches. So we have three minor injuries to people that were in that corridor and serious injuries to the perpetrator. That’s it at this time.

MTA Chairman Joe Lhota: Thank you. As the Commissioners have both said, and the Mayor and the Governor have both said, earlier this morning we received an alert of the explosion that happened in the tunnel and immediately the MTA and the transit authority shut down the lines on the Eight Avenue line, the A, the C, the E. Many of them were rerouted. I will tell you right now, they are all back. The only disruption we have right now is that on both the Seventh Avenue line, as well as the Eighth Avenue line, we’re bypassing the Times Square-42nd Street corridor. And also the shuttle between Grand Central and Times Square is currently shut down. We expect it to be back up and normal by – by this evening’s rush hour.

I do want to also state that on November 6th, just a month or so ago, we had a tabletop exercise with the NYPD to coordinate our efforts in the event that something like this ever happened. And the result of that was today in less than two hours we are back totally up to speed and getting our passengers around. I want to especially thank, not only the NYPD, but also our passengers and our customers for their patience. Thank you.

Commissioner O’Neill: Alright we’re going to take some questions.

Question: [Inaudible] did the suspect utter anything before he [inaudible]

Commissioner O’Neill: The question is is did the subject utter anything before he detonated the device.

Part of the investigation.

Question: Where was the device located?

Question: [Inaudible] potential target for years [inaudible] typically have police run [inaudible] a lot of these corridors connecting lines where you don’t see [inaudible] at this point how [inaudible] potential security weakness something that might be addressed?

Commissioner O’Neill: Alright the question is that transit seems to be an apparent target, are there any weak  – any weaknesses downstairs. Listen we have almost 3,000 transit cops that work in the subway system every day, we have the strategic response group, we have the critical response command. All parts of this system are patrolled.

Question: Can you describe, is it a belt, a backpack or a vest, a little more about the device. And in the video what does he look like he’s doing? Does he look like he’s waiting for a big crowd to gather? What is he doing?

Commissioner O’Neill: Alright the question was what does the device look like, and what was the subject doing before he detonated. John Miller can talk about that.

John Miller, Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism: Without getting into too many specifics the device is based on a pipe bomb. It was affixed to his person with a combination of Velcro and zip ties. The bomb squad is in the process now, along with the FBI special agent bomb technicians, of processing that crime scene with others. They’re going to gather up those pieces and we’ll have a better idea of what the device was put together with and what was inside it.

Question: [Inaudible]

Commissioner O’Neill: Hold up. Hold up.

Question: Any history on the perp?

Commissioner O’Neill: Yeah we’re not going to go into that right now.

Question: [Inaudible]

Commissioner O’Neill: Hold on, right here. Juliette? Hold on, one at a time. Hold on. Juliette?

Question: Did he detonate it himself and was this done purposely as –

Commissioner O’Neill: That’s – Juliette – the question is did he detonate it himself. In the video you see him walking down the corridor, that’s part of the investigation. We don’t know that to be a fact just yet. Right behind Juliette?

Question: [Inaudible] nationality [inaudible]

Commissioner O’Neill: We’re working on that right now.

Question: Commissioner?

Commissioner O’Neill: Yeah right here.

Question: Is there a reason why we’re seeing the incident from a few weeks ago, this incident more now and we’ve gone years, and years, and years in New York since 9/11 with nothing. And now all of a sudden it seems like we are seeing more incidents. Is there a reason why?

Commissioner O’Neill: There have been incidents starting with 9/11 but I’ll let John talk about that a little bit more.

Deputy Commissioner John Miller: So as you all know, since the World Trade Center bombing of 1993, and well before that New York City, as the media capital of the world, has been a target of terrorist attacks in the past. There was the World Trade Center bombing of 1993, the 9/11 attacks, and in the course of post-9/11 world, as you’re aware, there’s also been approximately 26 plots that we can talk about that have been prevented through intelligence investigation and interdiction.

As you know there was the Times Square bombing which failed to detonate, there was the Chelsea bombing from September 17th of 16 and then there’s this incident. So clearly do to an immense effort that is put into this by the FBI, the NYPD, our intelligence and counter-terrorism people, and everybody else. It’s an all hands effort. We have prevented a significant number of plots. A significant number of attacks. But this is a fact of life, whether you’re in New York or London or Paris. The question is can it happen here, and the answer is it can happen anywhere.

Question: Did he claim any connection to ISIS?

Question: [Inaudible]

Commissioner O’Neill: Alright hold on, hold on. Right here in the front row.

Question: Did he claim any connection to ISIS [inaudible]

Commissioner O’Neill: He did make statements but – the question is did he claim connection to ISIS. He did make statements but we’re not going to talk about that right now.

Question: Is he from Brooklyn?

Commissioner O’Neill: Right behind you – hold on. Right behind you.

Question: Where exactly did the device go off in the passage way?

Commissioner O’Neill: It’s at 4- 2 and eight. He’s walking eastbound to 4-2 and seven. It’s – so it’s from this corner to Times Square underneath. If you’ve taken the subway you know what the passageway I’m talking about.

Question: Commissioner –

Commissioner O’Neill: Alright, hold on. In the back?

Question: [Inaudible] subway system of this size runs 24 hours, seven days a week [inaudible] size and scope?

Commissioner O’Neill: Alright the question is the size of the subway system is massive, how can we have that – how can we have that system covered.  Listen, it’s going to take – there’s six million people that ride the train every day. It’s going to take everybody to have their eyes open, pay attention to what’s going on, if you don’t see – if you see something that makes you uncomfortable, make that phone call or talk to a cop. Give us a chance to investigate. In the back?

Question: [Inaudible]

Commissioner O’Neill: We don’t know – the question is was it intentional, this spot where he detonated the explosive device. We don’t know that yet. Right here, Miles?

Question: Commissioner, I understand you executed a search warrant in Brooklyn and have you – how far have you been able to track this suspect –

Commissioner O’Neill: Yeah we’re not going to – the question is that are we at different locations with the – what was the?

Question: Brooklyn.

Commissioner O’Neill: In Brooklyn. I’m not going to go into that right now. We are – this is part of what we do. We’re investigating his background now to see what addresses he has and we’ll fully investigate him and the locations where he lives.

Question: Did he act alone?

 Commissioner O’Neill: Alright, listen. We’re going to come back to you later on with some more – with some more information. Thank you very much.


The Nonprofit Security Grant is here and due in NY June 12

June 02, 2017

Nonprofit Security Grant Program 2017

June 3, 2017 |

  1. This year DHS is providing $25,000,000 for target hardening activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack and located within one of the specific UASI-designated urban areas (click here for the complete list).
  2. New York’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Request for Applications (RFA) is posted here. The due date in NY is Monday, June 12, 2017. Yes, everyone knows that this is a crazy schedule, but there’s no choice.
  3. If your Grants Gateway Document Vault is not pre-certified (or well under way) you are running out of time. Organizations that are not pre-certified cannot apply for the grants. Click here for more information.
  4. A PDF of the Investment Justification is available here. The actual spreadsheet will be available on the NY DHSES webpage. You will notice that the questions remain the same, but that there are some formatting improvements.
  5. The New York State Hate Crimes grant applications will probably be released towards the end of the month. As soon as we see the RFA we will publish additional materials to help qualified groups apply for that grant.
Powerpoint presentation Our apologies to those who couldn’t join the webinar. Download a PDF from our 2017 webinar here. View the recording: Part 1, Part 2. Check out our 2017 Investment Justification tips here and tips from JFNA here.  NEW
New Jersey presentation Want more? Check out this workshop presented by David Fields of the New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP).
Prequalification NY nonprofits should register at &
complete their Document Vault . See JCRC-NY’s additional information at: /document-vault-faqs/ .If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents or your document vault is expired. Check our your document vault for more information.
NY nonprofit grants webpage If you’ve never applied before, click here for New York’s nonprofit webpage, with the E-grant application. If you have an existing account (and remember the
username/password), you’re fine.
Risk assessment You can do conduct a self-assessment, have your local police do a crime prevention survey or get an independent professional. Find guidance and contacts here and JCRC-NY’s guide to security consultants here. There are some good self-assessment tools available. Check out:

Investment Justification Download the PDF of the 2017 Investment Justification here to see what the application looks like. Make sure to submit your information on the 2017 forms are released.
Threat scan Stymied by the “Risk” section of the Investment Justification? Download our Selective Threat Scan for documentation and help with the “Threat” and “Consequences” questions. You will need an assessment to identify your vulnerabilities.
NY State funding for nonprofit security. This year’s New York State budget included funding for “safety and security projects at nonpublic schools, community centers and day care facilities at risk of hate crimes or attacks because of their ideology, beliefs or mission.” Obviously, the details are still pending.

Click here to subscribe to the JCRC-NY Security and Emergency Preparedness Alert list, which will notify you about the details when they become available.

For the most up-to-date info /securitygrants

Still no budget, but get started

April 28, 2017

April 28, 2017 | The timing of the 2017 applications is still up in the air. The House voted 382 to 30 and the Senate unanimously approved a bill to keep the government open until May 5th. This will give the negotiators time to finalize a longer-term deal that would fund the government through the end of the fiscal year in September. There can be no grant programs without a budget.

Once the budget bill is signed by the President, the US Department of Homeland should post its its guidance within a week or two and the NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services releasing its Request for Applications soon thereafter. Assuming that the budget passes next week, don’t be surprised if the application package is due at the end of May or the beginning of June.

So the turnaround may be very quick. We don’t anticipate any significant changes in the application process and most of the requirements of the application process can be met before the deadline. Our advice is to get started now! Here’s what you can do.

Powerpoint presentation/video Download a PDF from our 2017 webinar here and view the recording: Part 1, Part 2
Prequalification NY nonprofits should register at &
complete their Document Vault . See JCRC-NY’s additional information at: /document-vault-faqs/ .If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents or your document vault is expired. Check our your document vault for more information.
NY nonprofit grants webpage If you’ve never applied before, click here for New York’s nonprofit webpage, with the E-grant application. If you have an existing account (and remember the
username/password), you’re fine.
Risk assessment You can do conduct a self-assessment, have your local police do a crime prevention survey or get an independent professional. Find guidance and contacts
here and JCRC-NY’s guide to security consultants here. There are some good self-assessment tools available. Check out:

Investment Justification Download the 2016 Investment Justification here to see what the application looks like. Make sure to submit your information on the 2017 forms are released.
Threat scan Stymied by the “Risk” section of the Investment Justification? Download our Selective Threat Scan for documentation and help with the “Threat” and “Consequences” questions. You will need an assessment to identify your vulnerabilities.
For the most up-to-date info /securitygrants

New York State Security Funding

April 10, 2017

This year’s New York State budget includes the following allocation. Obviously, the details are still pending.

“Capital Projects Funds – Other Capital Project Fund Program Improvement/Change Purpose For competitive grants to provide safety and security projects at nonpublic schools, community centers and day care facilities at risk of hate crimes or attacks because of their ideology, beliefs or mission.

Provided that an assessment of facilities at risk may include, but not be limited to, considerations of the vulnerabilities of the organization based on its location and membership, and the potential consequences of a hate crime or attack at the facility. The amount appropriated herein may be transferred or suballocated to the division of homeland security and emergency services to accomplish the intent of this appropriation.”

Note: the language “considerations of the vulnerabilities of the organization based on its location and membership” differs from the classic definition of vulnerability,”any weakness that can be exploited by an aggressor, or in a non-terrorist environment, make an asset susceptible to hazard damage. (FEMA, Building Design for Homeland Security)”, i.e., gaps in physical security. Location and membership are usually considered in a threat analysis in the classic security equation: risk=threat + vulnerability + consequences.

The language gives DHSES responsibility for the grants. Stay tuned for more information.

Nonprofit Grant? Get started now, webinar next week

March 17, 2017

NSGP 2017

The timing of the 2017 applications is still up in the air. We won’t be able to determine the due date for the applications until the US Department of Homeland Security posts its guidance. They will only do so once there is a federal budget.

We don’t anticipate any significant changes in the application process and most of the requirements of the application process can be met before the deadline. Our advice is to get started now! Here’s what you can do.

Webinar Our annual webinar will be
Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 12:30-1:30 PM
No RSVP required; click here to join when webinar begins.
Prequalification NY nonprofits should register at &
complete their Document Vault . See JCRC-NY’s additional information at: /document-vault-faqs/ .If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents or your document vault is expired. Check our your document vault for more information.
E-Grant registration If you have an existing account (and remember the
username/password), you’re fine; to register for the DHSES E-Grant system, email:
Risk assessment Find guidance and contacts at:
/security-assessment/ and JCRC-NY’s guide to security consultants here.There are some self-assessment tools available. Check out:

Investment Justification The 2017 forms are not ready. Download the 2016 Investment Justification here to see what the applications looks like.
For the most up-to-date info /securitygrants

So when is the NSGP grant be coming out?

February 15, 2017

Short answer, we don’t know. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security cannot formally announce any grant program before there is a federal budget and Congress gave itself up to April 28, 2017 to come to an agreement. Both the House and the Senate included the program in their appropriations, but they must still work out the funding level of the program (We want it raised to $25 million.). It could be that the grant deadline is only days, rather than weeks, after the grant announcement, so get started now! 

We don’t expect many changes in the application process this year. Our best advice, complete all of the preliminary steps below and a draft of your application (known as the “Investment Justification” or “IJ”) as soon as possible. If there are any changes, you will be able to concentrate on the changes.

One final piece of advice. If you think that your organization is at high risk because of ideology-based/spiritual/religious reasons, think about how you would document them, especially if you follow mission implementing policies or practices that may elevate your risk. If you are a religious corporation, the answer is clear. If not, there may be an opportunity to document the risk.

NSGP 2017

Prequalification NY nonprofits should register at &
complete their Document Vault . See JCRC-NY’s additional
information at: /document-vault-faqs/ .If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents or your document vault is expired. Check our your document vault for more information.
E-Grant registration If you have an existing account (and remember the
username/password), you’re fine; to register for the DHSES E-Grant system, email:
Risk assessment Find guidance and contacts at:
/security-assessment/ and JCRC-NY’s guide to security consultants here.There are some self-assessment tools available. Check out:

Investment Justification The 2017 forms are not ready. Download the 2016 Investment Justification here to see what the applications looks like. Just make sure that the
For the most up-to-date info /securitygrants
Questions? Click here to send questions about the grant program.

Awareness 101: When it “Just doesn’t look right”

December 23, 2016
Regularly check around your facility for anything that "Just doesn't look right"
Regularly check around your facility for anything that “Just doesn’t look right”. Shown is a car parked in a “No Parking” zone with strange wires.

Experts note that terrorist attacks don’t appear out of thin air. In virtually every situation (and that includes active shooter events) an attacker practices “pre-operational surveillance.” More mundanely, they “case the joint” or just show up to observe, orient themselves to the situation and to decide how they will act during their attack. When suspect behavior is reported (1-888-NYC-SAFE) it can be investigated and an attack can be interrupted.

Determining that it “Just doesn’t look right”

The NYPD Intelligence Bureau just released some excellent guidance. Its primary focus is to help detect suspicious signs along special event routes (e.g., parades) or areas designated for large-scale public gatherings (e.g., demonstrations, celebrations, street fairs, etc.), but can apply to houses of worship, schools, community centers and other gathering points. The following examples of activity, though not fully inclusive, may be of possible concern to law enforcement (Click here for a PDF of the NYPD Indicators of Terrorist Activity guidance):

  • The appearance of a suspicious vehicle (including bicycles with a storage basket; motorcycles; utility storage boxes, etc.) parked near the area designated for the event to take place. Items left for a protracted period of time and disregarded.
  • Actions by an individual that suggest the pre-event videotaping or still photography of the route or location (and surrounding area) for no apparent reason (i.e., no aesthetic value). Sketching of the area e.g., cross streets, access streets into and out of the area.
  • Any request to videotape from a roof or a vacant unit/apartment overlooking the event venue.
  • The sudden appearance of a new street vendor in an area adjacent to the event route, the venue’s access doors, or gathering location.
  • Unclaimed or suspicious packages/objects found along the special event route/location.
  • Individuals sitting or standing at a bus stop and not boarding a bus; Individuals sitting at a particular location (e.g., park bench) at the same time each day for numerous days.
  • The very. recent placement of a garbage can, postal mailbox, newspaper kiosk or other stationary object along the special event route/location.
  • Recent attempts by unknown individuals to gain access to your building’s roof overlooking the parade route/special event location/venue.
  • Inquiries about short-term rental of an apartment or space above your store/business – or in your residential complex — that also happens to offer a view of a parade route or special event location. (Terrorist operatives will often cohabitate to facilitate operational planning.Additionally, they may attempt to position themselves in an area that will ease their surveillance of potential targets.)
  • Large plastic drums being stored inside a building (commercial or residential space).
  • Reports of small fires or smoke conditions being reported from a particular store or apartment.
  • Suspicious inquiries by unknown individuals regarding:
    • The security measures anticipated for the event (e.g., extensive questioning as to
      the searching of backpacks, stopping of vehicles, etc.)
    • The seating of public officials, dignitaries, or other VIPs at an event.

Nonprofit Security Grant Program 2016 results | NY secures over $5.1M | Special thank you’s to Schumer, Gillibrand, Lowey, Donovan and King

June 29, 2016

Thank you to our champions. They fought for this grant and 70 NY organizations will benefit this year. They are already fighting for the 2017 allocation. Please let Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Reps. Lowey, Donovan and King and the rest of our delegation know that you appreciate their hard work.


Schumer and Gillibrand Secured over 25% Of Total Funding For Organizations Based in New York – Out of the Total $20 Million Granted to Awardees Across the Country
The Awardees Include 66 Jewish Educational Institutions and Congregations; The Money Will Help These At-Risk Nonprofits For Security Preparedness
Schumer, Gillibrand: These Schools and Congregations are Vital Parts of our Community and Like Institutions Have Been Targeted Before; We Must Do All we can to Protect all At-Risk Institutions

U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand announced today that 66 New York Jewish organizations, includingDHS Nonprofit Security Grant Program Results schools and congregations, and more have received a combined total of $5,172,143 for the 2016 fiscal year as Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Awardees. The program, run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), awards federal funds to nonprofit organizations that are at a high risk of a national terrorist attack to encourage preparedness efforts.

“Would-be evildoers have previously targeted schools and congregations for attacks and that’s why FEMA’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program is critical in making sure that high-risk organizations like Jewish schools and congregations are safe and protected from terrorist attacks,” said Senator Schumer. “It is especially important for organizations in and around New York City to receive this federal funding, which will go a long way to ensure that they are fully prepared for whatever may happen in the future.”

“New York is the number one terror target in the world, so we must continue to be vigilant, and I’ll continue to fight for every available federal resource to help keep us safe,” said Senator Gillibrand. “New York’s religious institutions and non-profit organizations, including Jewish schools and congregations, are the backbone of our communities. These federal funds through Homeland Security will provide the necessary resources to help keep our places of worship safe and secure.”

The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) is run under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI). For the 2016 fiscal year, the UASI NSGP was budgeted $20 million. Only eligible nonprofit organizations, as described by the 501(c)(3) tax code of 1986, may apply for this grant. To be eligible, the nonprofit must be at high risk for an international terrorist attack and must be located in one of the designated urban areas throughout the country.

The 66 Jewish organizations that received funding from the New York City-metro area are:

A Ahi Ezer Congregation, Associated Beth Rivkah School for Girls, Inc.
B Babylonian Jewish Center, Bais Ruchel High School, Bais Uvi Grieding, Bay Terrace Garden Jewish Center, Be’er HaGolah Institutes, Beth Gavriel Bukharian Congregation, Beth Jacob Parochial School of Manhattan, Beth Rachel School for Girls, Boro Park Hatzolah
C Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, Chabad Lubavitch Community Center of Northeastern Queens, Chabad Lubavitch of Briarcliff Manor-Ossining, Inc., Congregation Aish Kodesh, Congregation Beth Torah, Congregation B’nai Israel, Congregation Bnos Chaya, Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York, Congregation Khal Adath Jeshurun, Congregation Kneseth Israel, Congregation Machna Shalva, Congregation Mercaz Hatorah of Belle Harbor, Congregation Mount Sinai Anshe Emeth, Congregation Ohel Chabad Lubavitch, Congregation Or Zarua, Congregation Shaari Tefiloh of Kings Highway, Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale
F Foundation for Sephardic Studies dba Bnei Yitzhak
G Good Shepard Roman Catholic Church
H Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway, Hebrew Educational Society of Brooklyn, Hebrew Institute of University Heights dba Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
L Lincoln Square Synagogue
M Magen David Yeshivah, Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, Manhattan High School for Girls, Manhattan Jewish Student Center, Masores Bais Yaakov, Mesivta Ateres Yaakov of Greater Long Island, Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Mirrer Yeshiva Central Institute
N North Shore Sephardic Synagogue
R Rabbinical Academy Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin
S Satya Narayan Mandir, Shaare Zion Congregation, Inc., Shulamith School for Girls, Sonia & Max Silverstein Hebrew Academy, St. James’ Episcopal Church, Staten Island Volunteers of Hatzalah, Inc. dba Hatzalah of Staten Island
T Talmud Torah Ohel Yochanan, Talmud Torah Tashbar, Temple Beth Sholom Roslyn Heights, Temple Beth-El of Great Neck, The Jewish Center, The Merrick Jewish Centre, Torah Center of Hillcrest
Y Yeshiva and Mesivta Toras Chaim of Greater NY at South Shore, Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island, Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan, Yeshiva of Central Queens, Yeshivah of Flatbush, Yeshivat Darche Eres, Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst, Young Israel of Oceanside, Young Israel of Scarsdale, Inc.