This year, the NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services received 228 applications for Nonprofit Security grants. JCRC’s Security Grant Assistance site welcomed nearly 800 unique visitors in just two weeks (we had a national audience), viewing over 4,000 pages of information.
FY 2013 NSGP Applications will be reviewed through a two-phased State and Federal review process for completeness, adherence to programmatic guidelines, feasibility, and how well the Investment Justification (IJ) (project description and justification) addresses the identified risk.
A. NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) Review:
DHSES staff will conduct an initial review of each application submitted to ensure that each of the following questions have been answered positively. If any of the answers are “no,” the application will be disqualified without further review and consideration for DHS review.
- Was the application submitted by 11:59 p.m. on June 10, 2013?
- Is the application complete?
- Does the applicant organization currently have IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status?
- Is the applicant organization registered, has recently applied for registration, or is exempt from registering with the Charities Bureau of the NYS Attorney General’s Office?
- Is the proposed project site or facility located within the approved Urban Area of the New York City Metropolitan Area?
- Is the applicant a responsible vendor as evidenced by the completed and signed and notarized grantee responsibility questionnaire? (Consistent with provisions of the State Comptrollers’ Bulletin G-221.)
- Applicant provide up-to-date documentation of New York State Workers’ Compensation and Disability Benefits coverage or exemption (see Attachment E)?
- Obtained and provided Dun and Brad Street Number?
- Is a copy of the mission statement attached to your application?
B. State Administrative Agency and Urban Area Workgroup Review:
A review will be conducted by the NYC Urban Area Working Group (UAWG) in coordination with DHSES as the State Administrative Agency (SAA). This portion of the review will focus on:
- Need – The relative need for the nonprofit organization compared to the other applicants
- Impact – The potential impact of the nonprofit organization in achieving maximum prevention and/or protection results at minimal cost
This review will produce a score of up to 40 points total. Applicants that have not received NSGP funding in the past will receive one bonus point on their total NY application score. Each application should receive a unique rank. Based on this review, NY DHSES develops a prioritized list of NSGP projects and submit the NY application scoring and ranking to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security by June 24, 2013.
C. Federal Review: The highest-scoring IJs from each submitting Urban Area will be reviewed by a panel of Federal evaluators. The list of successful grantees will be released some time before September 30, 2013.