Sandy Hook shootings: making our children safer

The experts are still assessing the shooting at the elementary school in Newtown, CT and our hearts and prayers go out to the families who lost their precious children.

While the authorities gather additional information, the ongoing lesson of active shooter situations is the need for access control (for ideas see Sample Building Access Policies and Procedures from the JCRC-NY). An adequately locked door, coupled with a screening system that limits access to authorized individuals, is the best way to keep people safe.

DHS, NY DHSES and the JCRC-NY will host trainings on armed intruder attacks in January and February. Here are some other resources to assist you in developing active shooter responses:

  • The New York State Department of Education has mandated that all school districts implement emergency response plans, which were updated in April 2003 to address terrorist threats. The plans require schools to interact with local law enforcement and emergency service providers. Please see New York State Homeland Security System for Schools.
  • Review the NYPD’s publications, Active Shooter: Recommendations and Analysis for Risk Mitigation for recommendations and analysis for risk mitigation in active shooter scenarios and the presentation: Response to an Active Shooter.