Pipe bomb or not: Lessons learned

JCRC and its law enforcement partners try to convey the latest and best information possible. The explosion outside the Chabad synagogue in Santa Monica demonstrates the difficulty of disseminating information in real time makes us think about “lessons learned.”

  1. Problem. Initial reports are often sketchy and sometimes wrong. What should I do? Lesson learned: JCRC will continue its policy to disseminate the best information possible to Jewish organizations after verifying media reports with official confirmation. Organizations are also urged to subscribe to their local police and/or emergency management notification lists. 
  2. Problem. It’s difficult to act on sketchy information. Lesson learned: It’s best to act out of an abundance of caution until more information is received. Have a plan in place. Upon hearing a report about a possible attack on a Jewish target it’s best to ramp up security precautions and vigilance. You can always return to normal levels when there is an all clear.
  3. Problem. Should I worry about the security of my institution when there is a minor incident 3,000 miles away? Lesson learned: Any single event may be the first of a planned series (think 9/11) or signal a copycat to try something somewhere else. Operating out of an abundance of caution is warranted. 
  4. Problem. The Santa Monica incident does not seem to be anti-Semitic. Should we rest easy? Lesson Learned. Most violent incidents involve disgruntled employees, alienated students, domestic disputes and the like. Jewish organizations are not immune and attacks for any of these reasons have the potential of being just as deadly as a terrorist attack. Fortunately, the strategies used to counter and respond to all such situations are remarkably similar.
  5. Problem. This is all so overwhelming where do you start? Lesson learned. Find suggestions at: /library/security-emergency.html