NSPG release postponed; JCRC webinar postponed, too

  1. New release date. The release date (official commencement of the grant cycle) for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) guidelines is now tentatively  set for Tuesday, May 17th (not May 9th as previously reported). The US Department of Homeland Security sends these e sent to the states (i.e., NY Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services and its sister agencies in other states) on this date. Each state must set deadlines and decide on the application process. 
  2. New webinar date. The JCRC has sponsored trainings annually and those following the JCRC suggestions have a high success rate. The information provided will include tips on how to complete the Investment Justification and an introduction to the New York E-Grant application process.The JCRC webinar will now be scheduled for Monday, May 23rd at 1PM. We will assume that all who reserved for the old date will join us for this online webinar. Based on input from past participants, we are offering this session exclusively over the internet. Information applicable to all eligible applicants will be presented at the beginning of the webinar, followed by NY-specific guidance. You can reserve here 
  3. Non-recipients will have an advantage. The most significant change this coming year is that preference will be given to nonprofit organizations that have not received prior years’ funding. That doesn’t mean that past grantees cannot apply. However, they will be at a competitive disadvantage.
  4. No local match this year. The local match (25% of total project costs) will remain voluntary for FY2011. This voluntary nature will be neutral in the scoring process. Making the contribution will not create a preference, and declining to contribute will not count against an application. However, where a local match can be made, it should be made, as it will save limited resources and enable additional applicants to secure grants.
  5. Only slight changes in eligible areas. The number of eligible areas (64 in FY2010) is expected to change slightly. However, it should not be significantly different than in past cycles (as was the concern of some in the field. Exact eligibility requirements will not be known until after the release date.
  6. Get started now. With a delay in the release of the guidelines we can expect that much more of a shorter application period. As such, we continue to advise interested agencies to draft proposals, now, based on the FY2010 guidance, and to make modifications as necessary once the FY2011 guidance is in place. Get information about the Investment Justification (the core component of your application) and download the form from last year here.

All of the information above is tentative, pending the release of the official guidance. For further information contact Dov Horwitz at You may obtain FY2010 guidance from the JCRC at and the Jewish Federations of North America at: