Nonprofit Security Program on track, get started now

Bottom line: We don’t know when the formal application period will commence, but the submission period is likely to be shorter than in previous years. Download last year’s Investment Justification document and get started now. The changes in the Investment Justification should be minimal, if any. 


Update from Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA).


Votes Today: First the House and then the Senate are expected to take up the full year spending bill (HR 1473) today.  There is a closed rule in the House, limiting the vote to up or down without amendments.  60 votes will be necessary to pass it in the Senate.

The measure provides $1.055 trillion in discretionary funding for FY 2011, $39.9 billion less than in FY 2010.  The total includes $12 billion in cuts already agreed to in three other continuing resolutions, and represents the largest annual reduction in U.S. history. 

For Homeland Security Programs: Overall funding of $41.8 billion (2% below FY2010 levels), represents the first annual spending reduction in the department’s history.  The President’s request did not seek funding for NSGP.  While the overall allocation for the UASI program was $725 million (down from $887 million in FY2010), we were able to secure full/flat funding of $19 million for NSGP.