Nonprofit Security Grant: the process begins

Remember, we warned that the application period will be abbreviated. Sorry.

The U.S. Department of  Homeland Security released its guidance on the Nonprofit Security Grant Program today. The NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services will release the NY application package by the middle of April. Depending on the release and due date, applicants will probably have to submit their packages sometime during  the first  week of May (NY DHSES must review, process and submit the applications by May 19th). Most of the necessary 2015 forms and information can be found at

Sen. Charles Schumer, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, the NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services and the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York will offer a grant webinar on Tuesday, April 14th at 10:30 AM. The webinar will feature representatives of the NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services discussing the application process and guidance from the JCRC-NY on how to complete the core of the application: the Investment Justification. Of course you can find detailed help at our Security Grants website:

  1. Register for the webinar. Click here to register for the April 14th webinar. Instructions on how to sign on will be sent to all registrants by email prior to the webinar.
  2. Subscribe. Click here to subscribe to the JCRC-NY Security and Emergency Preparedness Alert list. Subscribers will receive updates on the security grant program and other alerts.
  3. Get started now. We expect that there will be few changes in the application process. See the graphic below the registration form, outlining the steps you can immediately take to start the New York process now:
    • Pre-qualify. Your application will not be accepted without a 2015 “Status Report” showing that your Document Vault is complete. Click here to go to the New York State Grants Gateway.
      • If you Pre-qualified last year, check your Document Vault to confirm that none of your documents need to be updated.
      • If you never Pre-qualified, register immediately and begin to collect your documents.
    • E-Grants. You must submit your application and documents through the NY DHSES E-Grants system. Click to the E-Grants page, download and fill out the simple application and e-mail to You will receive information on how to sign on. If you already have an account, you’re OK. The E-Grants system is pretty straightforward and has an excellent tutorial.
    • Assessment. The application requires a “previously conducted risk assessment.” The assessment could be a crime prevention survey from your local police or other governmental sources, from private vendors or self -conducted. For more information see:
    • Investment Justification. This is the core of the application package. You can see this year’s template here. Get started. Transfer your completed questions onto the form provided in the New York application package.

Find detailed help at our Security Grants website: Here are the steps to get started: