Nonprofit Security Grant results released

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano announced grants of $19 million in the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) to non-profit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack.

New York organizations fared particularly well, with 83 winners (71 in NYC) qualifying for $4,995,121 in federal funding to support target-hardening activities. New York applicants gleaned 30% of the grants (273). The number of New York winners grew by nearly 15% (compared to 2009) and the NY total grant amount increased by $380,000.

All applicants, whether successful or not, will be officially notified of their status by the the New York Office of Homeland Security (NY OHS).

We owe a special debt of gratitude to those dedicated public servants who actually administer the grants and answer our questions, especially Shelley Wahrlich, Steve Tierney and Valerie Bloomer. This program could not be successful without their dedication, patience and expertise. Thanks to Governor David Paterson, Acting NY Director of the Office of Homeland Security James Sherry and the entire NY Office of Homeland Security staff for their continuing, tremendous support for the Nonprofit Homeland Security Grant Program.