More info on Nonprofit Security Grant Program

Thanks to the great work of Rob Goldberg we have some preliminary information from DHS.

  1. DHS currently expects to release the guidance to the state on May 9th.  The DHSES staff (aka our friends in Albany) will then put out the Request For Applications just as soon as they reasonably can.
  2. The most significant change this coming year is that preference will be given to nonprofit organizations that have not received prior years funding. That doesn’t mean that past grantees can not apply. However, they will be at a competitive disadvantage.
  3. We do not yet know when the applications will be due. We continue to advise you to download the Investment Justification from last year and to begin to prepare answers to those questions ASAP. This year the Investment Justification will be in MS Excel format. You will be able to paste your answers into the new DHS template.

Note that all of this information is tentative. The JCRC webpage ( will have ongoing guidance. The JCRC plans to hold a webinar on the grant guidance soon after it is released.