May 11th arrests reinforce need for heightened vigilance

Media outlets report the arrest of two individuals allegedly engaged in a terror plot in New York. See the NY Post article here. Law enforcement officials have not yet released details, but the article states: “One source said the man was trying to buy a handgun and talked about attacking a synagogue.” The NYPD is providing special attention to Jewish institutions.  We are grateful to the Mayor and the NYPD for their ongoing concern and efforts to keep all New Yorkers safe.
Harden your target now. The suspects have been described as “lone wolves.” The NYPD has cataloged over 50 cases of Americans who were radicalized to acts of violence and/or conspiracies over the last 30 months. This case may add to the total and those responsible for Jewish institutions should review their security precautions and introduce steps to ensure heightened awareness. The JCRC Security Resources webpage ( has guidelines and practical solutions on how to detect hostile surveillance and how to tighten your access systems.

Nonprofit Security Grant Program
. The US Department of Homeland Security’s 2011 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) will be opening soon, allowing nonprofits to apply for up to $75,000 for target hardening measures such as security hardware and related training. The JCRC-NY will provide a free webinar training detailing the specifics of the grant and the application process. The webinar will be held on Monday, May 23rd, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm and is accessible from any internet capable computer. Please click to RSVP to receive login information. The JCRC-NY has hosted trainings annually and those following the JCRC-NY’s suggestions have had a high success rate. Get more information on the grants at the JCRC Security Grants website (/securitygrants).

Ongoing threat.
In the aftermath of the killing of Bin Laden we should remember:

  • Anti-Semitism is a core component of militant-Jihadist ideology;
  • Anti-Semitism is a common tool in the radicalization process;
  • Jewish-affiliated targets may be preferable for less sophisticated terrorists; and
  • Jewish institutions may not be priority targets, but may become secondary targets or targets of convenience.

Feel free to contact David Pollock at ( or 212. 983.4800, ext 132) or Dov Horwitz at ( or 212 983.4800, ext. 129) if you need more information.