JCRC commends Mayor, NYPD and DA in Terror Arrests

JCRC President Alan S. Jaffe and Executive Vice President & CEO Michael S. Miller said in a statement:
 The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC-NY) highly commends Mayor Michael Bloomberg, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance on the interception and arrest of two would-be terrorists from Queens, New York.

The New York Police Department performed expertly and heroically to prevent what would likely have been a vicious attack on a synagogue and members of the Jewish community resulting in death and destruction.  We hail their professionalism.

The JCRC-NY has emailed a Security Alert to hundreds of Jewish institutions in the metropolitan area urging the heightening of vigilance, the review of security precautions and the tightening of access systems.

Anti-semitism is a core component of militant-Jihadist ideology, and we call on the federal government to continue and increase its effective Nonprofit Security Grant Program to assist non-profits and religious institutions for target security hardening measures.