Ebola update from NYC DOHMH

about-ebolaAs has been reported, the United States Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) confirmed through laboratory tests the first case of the Ebola virus to be diagnosed in the United States in a person who had traveled to Dallas, Texas from West Africa.

There are no confirmed cases in New York City or the surrounding area at this time. However, New York City regularly monitors and responds to disease outbreaks. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) has full confidence in the city’s healthcare community and when addressing possible concerns, Dr. Mary Bassett, the DOHMH Commissioner said: “The City’s healthcare community knows exactly what to do if they come across a person who might be infected.”

Ebola is a severe, often fatal disease that affects humans and some animals. Ebola spreads through direct contact with an infected person’s or animal’s skin, blood or body fluids. It cannot be spread simply by being near someone who is infected. People can be infected by touching objects that contain infected blood or body fluids, such as needles or bed sheets.

The New York City Office of Emergency Management will continue to work closely with DOHMH and all other partners on this issue and will send out additional updates as needed.

For information about Ebola, please see the resources below.