DCS chaplain deploys to Haiti

NEW YORK, 19 January, 2010 — Disaster Chaplaincy Services’ (DCS) chaplain, Rev. Noster Montas is being deployed with a group from the New York area on a 30-day mission aboard the USNS Comfort off the coast of Haiti.  Montas is part of a 47 person contingent deployed by the American Red Cross in Greater New York and the Miami Red Cross chapter to be translators on the medical ship.  In addition to the DCS chaplain, included in the team are volunteers from the American Red Cross, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers, and the Haitian Americans United for Progress, all of whom are fluent in Kreyol and English.

Montas and the rest of the Greater New York Red Cross volunteers leave tomorrow to meet the USNS Comfort already en route to Haiti.  While Montas is out of the country, DCS will be staying in touch with his wife and two children to offer them support through this time.

Montas is a great example of what it means to be a Disaster Chaplaincy Services volunteer.  On one hour notice he cleared his schedule for the next month and made himself available for this difficult deployment.  His understanding that service is a sacrifice inspires all of us to use the gifts we have been given to help others in their time of need.

Thank you to Vince Porcelli who is our On-call Lead this month and has spent countless hours on the phone and email scheduling and organizing DCS’ local response.  And a special thank you to all the DCS chaplains who have deployed to the various sites around the city to listen, companion, and support all those in the Haitian community affected by this heartbreaking earthquake. DCS chaplains continue to be on alert and on call.
Our thoughts and prayers go with everyone on the USNS Comfort and to all the people of Haiti.

“L’union fait la force”–“In unity there is strength”

Peace and blessings,
Rev. Julie Taylor
Executive Director

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