Could you be the next victim? How the Russians hacked us.

Phishing has been in the news lately. The latest indictment from the Special Counsel’s Office (i.e., Mueller) shows that it’s easy to become a victim (see the screenshot below and click on it for more info).  The attack was both sophisticated and surprisingly simple.

Government sources report that phishing attacks are up. You don’t have to be the target of sophisticated government cyber-warriors. Too many bad actors know the tricks of the trade and they can hijack your identity, your data and/or plant ransomware on your computer.

We’ve collected tips from various sources to help you to identify potentially-dangerous phishing emails. Just click on How to spot phishing like a pro. The document has several examples and is in PDF format so that you can download it and distribute it widely.

Remember to practice the basics:

  1. Don’t click on links that you don’t recognize.
  2. Use strong passwords.
  3. Install anti-virus/anti-malware protection and keep the definitions up to date.
  4. Install security updates for the software on your computer as they are released.

For more information, tips and resources see our dedicated webpage: