Category Archives: Uncategorized

Disaster Chaplaincy Services Responds to the Earthquake in Haiti

January 18, 2010

Beginning on January 14th, Disaster Chaplaincy Services (DCS) volunteer chaplains under the leadership of Rev. Julie Taylor have been providing support to the Haitian community of New York City in response to devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12th. At the request of the American Red Cross in Greater New York DCS chaplains were onsite at four public schools in Brooklyn providing crisis interventions and support to the affected students and staff.

Throughout the weekend DCS chaplains have given support to the Haitian community and are scheduled at a number of locations in the upcoming week.

Thank you to the many chaplains and staff who stepped up to this call. We continue to be in contact and communication with municipal agencies as well as our non-governmental agency partners regarding how DCS can best be of assistance in meeting the ongoing and emerging needs of the community.

Please consider making a donation to one of the many great organizations working on the relief effort.

Visit their website for updated information:

Coping With Disasters and Traumatic World Events

January 17, 2010

Emotional reactions to traumatic world events are normal. It is not uncommon to experience distress following an event, even when you are not directly affected. Most people manage with the support of family, friends and others in their communities. Others may feel overwhelmed and unable to cope and need additional help and support.

Disasters can cause us to re-experience feelings and memories related to previous disasters, such as the events of 9/11. In addition, other grief and loss experiences may resurface. The emotional impact that a disaster has varies from person to person. While those directly affected are more likely to need additional mental health support, it is not uncommon for individuals living thousands of miles away to experience stress and anxiety.

Five important things that you need to know are:
  • What are normal reactions to a disaster?
  • What can I do to cope better?
  • How can I help my children?
  • How do I know when to ask for help?
  • Where can I get help if I need it?

To download and read more click here: Coping With Natural Disasters and Traumatic World Events (PDF)

Life amid death: Baby born in Israeli field hospital in Haiti – Haaretz – Israel News

January 17, 2010

Amid the tragedy and devastation encompassing the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince since Tuesday’s 7.0-magnitude earthquake, a happy event took place Sunday inside the field hospital erected by the Israeli relief delegation in the city. Doctor Shir Dar, who works at Hadassah Ein-Karem, delivered the first healthy baby in the Israeli hospital.

The mother told Dar that she would name her son Israel. “Amid all the death around us,” the doctor said, “it is very symbolic.” He said that childbirth in impoverished Haiti doesn’t normally take place in hospitals, and that this particular woman received the best care from the best doctors. Read more. Life amid death: Baby born in Israeli field hospital in Haiti – Haaretz – Israel News

Remarks by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Haiti

January 17, 2010

Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting today (1/17/2010):

“I would like to say a few words about the horrific tragedy that took place in Haiti.  What happened there is a large-scale disaster of very great proportions.  The lack of protective measures only deepened the tragedy.  I think that it is our obligation, as the State of Israel, as the state of the Jewish People, to mobilize immediately – and this we have done.  As soon as I learned of the dimensions of the disaster, I ordered that a team be dispatched.  It left with the speed characteristic of the IDF, in coordination with the Foreign Ministry.

The defense establishment sent a team which has begun to work and is already saving lives.  It is a field hospital with doctors, x-ray machines and other vital pieces of equipment that are in short supply in Haiti.  I think that this is in the best tradition of the Jewish People; this is the true covenant of the State of Israel and the Jewish People. 

This follows operations we have carried out in Kenya and Turkey; despite being a small country, we have responded with a big heart.  The fact is, I know, that this was an expression of our Jewish heritage and the Jewish ethic of helping one’s fellow.  I hope that the team saves lives and that Haiti succeeds in recovering from this awful tragedy.

New Yorkers Can Donate Supplies through JDC Partners

January 17, 2010
NEW YORK, NY, January 15, 2010-The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the world’s largest Jewish humanitarian assistance organization, in collaboration with the Afya Foundation, began loading their first container of supplies in New York City this morning at 9:30 a.m. to be shipped to victims of Haiti’s catastrophic earthquake.  The container, which is filled with hundreds of mattresses and blankets donated by Jewish Home Lifecare in New York City, will be shipped for Partners in Health International to manage the logistics of distribution on the ground in Haiti.
New Yorkers can participate right now by donating the following supplies to the drop-off location –
Afya’s Warehouse at 510 Nepperhan Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701.
  • Sheets
  • Blankets
  • Sleeping Bags
  • Towels
  • Clothing
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • Water
  • Electrolyte Tablets
  • Small Water Buckets
  • Ensure (or any liquid food supplement)
  • Respiratory Masks
  • Personal Care Items
  • Gauze
  • Bandages
  • IV Starter Kits
  • Syringes
  • Gloves
  • Needles
  • Ringers
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Topical Antiseptic
  • Casting Materials
  • Cotton
  • Closed Toed Shoes
Please note supplies cannot be accepted which are expired or less than 5 months from expiration.
The Afya Foundation has been working in collaboration with Partners in Health International for many years to collect and deliver medical supplies that are donated by hospitals, health organizations, companies and people to communities in Haiti. 
JDC continues to conduct a full and rapid assessment of the situation on the ground, and is reaching out to its network of partners to determine immediate needs of the hardest-hit areas. These efforts are part of JDC’s International Development Program (IDP), which provides immediate relief and long-term assistance to victims of natural and manmade disasters. JDC and its partners worldwide have implemented similar relief efforts in more than 60 countries. Many IDP-operated programs are ongoing and are helping to rebuild infrastructure and community life in disaster-stricken regions.
Click to make a cash contribution.
About the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)
Since 1914, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) has given global expression to the principle that all Jews are responsible for one another.  Working today in over 70 countries, JDC acts on behalf of North America’s Jewish communities and others to rescue Jews in danger, provide relief to those in distress, revitalize overseas Jewish communities and help Israel overcome the social challenges of its most vulnerable citizens.  JDC also provides non-sectarian emergency relief and long-term development assistance worldwide.  For more information, please log on to:

JDC Partners to Aid Victims of Earthquake in Haiti

January 14, 2010
Medical Professionals Flown to Haiti Tonight to Assist with Disaster Relief
NEW YORK, NY, January 14, 2010-The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the world’s largest Jewish humanitarian assistance organization, is collecting funds on a non-sectarian basis for relief efforts following the catastrophic earthquake, the worst in over 200 years, that struck Haiti.
“Responding to the earthquake in Haiti, JDC has purchased critical medical equipment for the field hospital of the Medical Corps of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) leaving tonight for Haiti. The equipment includes two infant incubators and ten orthopedic devices for stabilizing fractures that will provide the emergency relief team with the tools needed to save lives following this terrible disaster. The equipment will arrive tomorrow together with a 30-member team of medical professionals being flown to Haiti tonight to provide critical medical services to the survivors of Tuesday’s earthquake. JDC has previously partnered successfully with the IDF Medical Corps in Turkey,” said Steven Schwager, JDC’s Chief Executive Officer.
Cardiac surgeon Dr. Ofer Merin, Vice President of Share Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem and Chief of its Trauma Unit, is leading the IDF team to set up the field hospital onsite, in his army reserve duty, Dr. Merin is the Chief of Army Field Hospitals.
“Dr. Merin was very touched to find out that JDC will be providing assistance. He was noticeably moved when he heard that American Jewry is willing to provide assistance to an Israel Medical Team,” explained Schwager.
In addition, JDC is allocating $50,000 to Heart to Heart International, Inc. for medical aid, equipment and services to provide immediate relief and assistance to the citizens of Haiti in their tragic hour. Heart to Heart International improves global health through humanitarian initiatives that connect people and resources to a world in need. Since its founding in 1992, Heart to Heart has delivered nearly $800 million worth of aid (U.S. wholesale value) to more than 100 countries, including the United States.
JDC continues to conduct a full and rapid assessment of the situation on the ground, and is reaching out to its network of partners to determine immediate needs of the hardest-hit areas. These efforts are part of JDC’s International Development Program (IDP), which provides immediate relief and long-term assistance to victims of natural and manmade disasters. JDC and its partners worldwide have implemented similar relief efforts in more than 60 countries. Many IDP-operated programs around the world are ongoing and are helping to rebuild infrastructure and community life in disaster-stricken regions.
To Make a Contribution:
By Phone: 212-687-6200
By Mail: check payable to
JDC-Haiti Earthquake Relief
P.O. Box 530
132 East 43rd St
New York, NY, 10017
Beth D. Weinstein/JDC/(212) 885-0820
Michael Geller/JDC/(212) 885-0838
About the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)
Since 1914, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) has given global expression to the principle that all Jews are responsible for one another. Working today in over 70 countries, JDC acts on behalf of North America’s Jewish communities and others to rescue Jews in danger, provide relief to those in distress, revitalize overseas Jewish communities and help Israel overcome the social challenges of its most vulnerable citizens. JDC also provides non-sectarian emergency relief and long-term development assistance worldwide. For more information, please log on to:

Enroll in FDNY’s CPR to Go

January 10, 2010

Learning CPR just got a little easier.

The FDNY has partnered with NYC Service and New York Sports Clubs (NYSC) to launch FDNY CPR to Go, a program that offers free CPR classes at gym locations throughout the five boroughs.

Participants in every class learn basic CPR skills from a member of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service. Volunteers for the class follow along using the CPR Anytime Personal Learning Kit, which features an instructional DVD and an inflatable mannequin. All participants are asked to take home the kit and pledge to show five of their family members and friends how to perform CPR.

Register online at:

Learn more about the FDNY at: