Category Archives: Nonprofit Security

Emergency Planning for schools | Tuesday, May 3

April 15, 2016


Emergency Planning for Private Schools Workshop

Tuesday, May 3, 2016
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(Registration begins at 8:30AM)
Manhattan Municipal Building
North Mezzanine
1 Centre St, New York, NY 10007

This workshop is intended to provide guidance on emergency planning for private schools. Participants will receive training in the basic fundamentals of emergency planning and how to develop their school’s Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs). They will hear from subject matter experts from the NYPD, FDNY, New York State Police and the US Department of Education on available tools to support school emergency planning efforts.

The first half of the workshop will be a presentation from the US Department of Education Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Team (REMS). This portion of the program will provide an overview of the recommended six step planning process to create a high-quality school emergency operations plan.

The second half of the day will feature presentations by:

  • NYPD: They will discuss the Shield Program and other NYPD services available to schools.
  • New York State Police: They will demonstrate their school emergency operations planning template.
  • FDNY: They will cover fire safety and school evacuation plans.

Intended Audience:
Private school administrators and security personnel interested in creating, revising, or enhancing school emergency operations plans.

Registration for this event closes on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.

Cancellations must be received no later than three business days in advance.

NYCEM Academy provides reasonable accommodations. If you are in need of a disability accommodation, please send your request to

NY Nonprofit Security Grant package available | due March 28

February 18, 2016

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security released its guidance on Tuesday for the $20 million Nonprofit Security Grant Program. The grant is competitive and awardees can qualify for up to $75,000 in equipment approved for target hardening.

  • The NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES)  2016 RFA (application package) at is live. The deadline for submission will be March 28, 2016. (Applicants will still have 6 weeks to complete their application package and will be finished before Passover.)  If you have any questions regarding this announcement, please contact DHSES via email at:
  • In New York, nonprofits located in NYC, Long Island and Westchester are eligible. Outside of NY, check here.
  • JCRC scheduled its assistance webinar on Monday, February 22, 2016 from 11AM to 12:30PM. Click here to reserve and receive the instructions to connect to the webinar.
  • We are busily updating our help webpage at We plan to include the webinar presentations and a recording of the webinar on the page. Check back often.
  • Click here to subscribe to the JCRC-NY Security and Emergency Preparedness Alert list. Subscribers will receive updates on the security grant program and other alerts.
NSGP 2016: Here’s what you can do now
Prequalification NY nonprofits should register at &
complete their Document Vault . See JCRC-NY’s additional
information at: /document-vault-faqs/ .If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents or your document vault is expired. Check our your document vault for more information.
E-Grant registration If you have an existing account (and remember the
username/password), you’re fine; to register for the DHSES E-Grant system, email:
Risk assessment Find guidance and contacts at:
Investment Justification Download the 2016 Investment Justification here.
For the most up-to-date info /securitygrants

JCRC-NY and UJA-Federation worked closely with JFNA and its partners worked very hard to bolster the NSGP program allocation this year, and the roles of the Orthodox Union and Agudath Israel were critical.

Working on our behalf were Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and members of Congress who signed onto Congressman Peter King’s letter urging an increase in the allocation this year: Dan Donovan, Elliot Engel, Carolyn Maloney, Grace Meng, Jerry Nadler, Kathleen Rice and Lee Zeldin.

Nonprofit Security Grant Program 2016 | It’s here

February 16, 2016

We’ve taken an initial look at the federal guidance and not much is new. Stay tuned for specifics.

NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (NY DHSES) will develop its RFA (application package) based on the DHS guidance and specify a deadline for all applications to be electronically submitted (State agencies must have time to judge and process several hundred submissions, so the applicant deadline will be considerably sooner than the federal deadline). The RFA will be posted at: Note: In NY, the requirements and deadlines posted by NY DHSES are final.

We’ve scheduled a webinar with our NY DHSES partners for Monday, February 22, 2016 at 11 AM. Click here to make a reservation and to receive the sign-in instructions to join the webinar. 

NSGP 2016: Here’s what you can do now
Prequalification NY nonprofits should register at &
complete their Document Vault . See JCRC-NY’s additional
information at: /document-vault-faqs/If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents or your document vault is expired. Check our your document vault for more information.
E-Grant registration If you have an existing account (and remember the
username/password), you’re fine; to register for the DHSES E-Grant
system, email:
Risk assessment Find guidance and contacts at:
Investment Justification Download
/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/FY2015NSGP_InvestmentJustification.pdf and work on responses to each section. It’s unlikely that there will be any significant changes, except possibly Section VII (Impact).
For the most up-to-date info /securitygrants

JCRC-NY and UJA-Federation worked closely with JFNA and its partners worked very hard to bolster the NSGP program allocation this year, and the roles of the Orthodox Union and Agudath Israel were critical.

– See more at: /what-we-do/security-emergency-preparedness/blog/#sthash.U5mnLs3l.dpuf

Nonprofit grants are around the corner

February 01, 2016

The 2016 U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) budget includes $20 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. According to the best information DHS will release its general grant guidance information to the states in mid-February. NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (NY DHSES) will then develop its RFA (application package) based on the DHS guidance. The RFA will specify a deadline for all applications to be electronically submitted. Note: In NY, the requirements and deadlines posted by NY DHSES are final.

This year, we expect very few changes in the RFA. Make sure that you’re prequalified (see below). Don’t wait. If you intend to apply for the grant get started now.

NSGP 2016: Here’s what you can do now
Prequalification NY nonprofits should register at &
complete their Document Vault . See JCRC-NY’s additional
information at: /document-vault-faqs/

If your nonprofit was previously prequalified, you will still have to update certain documents or your document vault is expired. Check our your document vault for more information.

E-Grant registration If you have an existing account (and remember the
username/password), you’re fine; to register for the DHSES E-Grant
system, email:
Risk assessment Find guidance and contacts at:
Investment Justification Download
/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/FY2015NSGP_InvestmentJustification.pdf and work on responses to each section. It’s unlikely that there will be any significant changes, except possibly Section VII (Impact).
For the most up-to-date info /securitygrants

JCRC-NY and UJA-Federation worked closely with JFNA and its partners worked very hard to bolster the NSGP program allocation this year, and the roles of the Orthodox Union and Agudath Israel were critical.

JCRC: training here, training there

January 26, 2016

The past few months have been busy with JCRC-NY coordinating major  training sessions for hundreds of institutions in the NY area. There is a heightened awareness of the potential for attacks and a willingness on the part of organizations to “Step up their Game.”

All of the trainings focused on security/terrorism awareness, building a culture of security within organizations and active shooter responses. Kudos and thanks to our wonderful partners, including: NYPD Counterterrorism, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. Our common goals are to strengthen the ties between law enforcement and nonprofit organizations and to empower them by giving them to tools and knowledge to respond as well as possible. Here’s some examples of our recent work: Read More JCRC: training here, training there

Focus on resources: DHS Protective Security Advisors

August 03, 2015

PSA imageRecently, we received an inquiry from an out-of-state colleague. Some of his questions could be answered over the phone, but it was clear that an on-site consultation was in order.

I asked my colleague, “Do you know your Protective Security Advisor (PSA)?” He replied, “What?”

DHS employs PSA’s in all 50 states and many states have multiple regions. Our experience here in NY is that our PSA’s are a wonderful resource. They are hard-working, knowledgeable and professional.

  • Security surveys. Subject to time constraints you can ask your PSA to conduct security surveys and assessments of your facilities. We’ve joined our PSA’s during some of these sessions and their suggestions are both sound and pragmatic.
  • Training. PSA’s have access to a wide variety of training options, e.g. active shooters, suspicious packages, severe weather. Even if you don’t know your exact need, talk to them. They can open up a variety of resources for you.
  • Special events planning. Let them know if you are planning a high profile event. They can advise you on security and logistical issues.
  • Outreach. Get on their radar. They will invite you to various trainings and events.

Click here for more information on Protective Security Advisors. To contact your local PSA, please contact To contact NY PSA’s or if you have questions or need other assistance please complete the form below.

Resources to Help Prepare Houses of Worship for Emergencies

July 06, 2015

Webinar recording (June 2015):

Points of Contact:

Preparedness resources for house of worship:

 Emergency Operations Planning Resources:

Active Shooter Preparedness Resources

Free online independent study courses for everyone:

All hazard preparedness resources

Youth Preparedness Websites:

Additional webinars of interest:

Nonprofit Security Grant: the process begins

April 02, 2015

Remember, we warned that the application period will be abbreviated. Sorry.

The U.S. Department of  Homeland Security released its guidance on the Nonprofit Security Grant Program today. The NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services will release the NY application package by the middle of April. Depending on the release and due date, applicants will probably have to submit their packages sometime during  the first  week of May (NY DHSES must review, process and submit the applications by May 19th). Most of the necessary 2015 forms and information can be found at

Sen. Charles Schumer, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, the NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services and the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York will offer a grant webinar on Tuesday, April 14th at 10:30 AM. The webinar will feature representatives of the NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services discussing the application process and guidance from the JCRC-NY on how to complete the core of the application: the Investment Justification. Of course you can find detailed help at our Security Grants website:

  1. Register for the webinar. Click here to register for the April 14th webinar. Instructions on how to sign on will be sent to all registrants by email prior to the webinar.
  2. Subscribe. Click here to subscribe to the JCRC-NY Security and Emergency Preparedness Alert list. Subscribers will receive updates on the security grant program and other alerts.
  3. Get started now. We expect that there will be few changes in the application process. See the graphic below the registration form, outlining the steps you can immediately take to start the New York process now:
    • Pre-qualify. Your application will not be accepted without a 2015 “Status Report” showing that your Document Vault is complete. Click here to go to the New York State Grants Gateway.
      • If you Pre-qualified last year, check your Document Vault to confirm that none of your documents need to be updated.
      • If you never Pre-qualified, register immediately and begin to collect your documents.
    • E-Grants. You must submit your application and documents through the NY DHSES E-Grants system. Click to the E-Grants page, download and fill out the simple application and e-mail to You will receive information on how to sign on. If you already have an account, you’re OK. The E-Grants system is pretty straightforward and has an excellent tutorial.
    • Assessment. The application requires a “previously conducted risk assessment.” The assessment could be a crime prevention survey from your local police or other governmental sources, from private vendors or self -conducted. For more information see:
    • Investment Justification. This is the core of the application package. You can see this year’s template here. Get started. Transfer your completed questions onto the form provided in the New York application package.

Find detailed help at our Security Grants website: Here are the steps to get started: