Category Archives: Jewish Security

Considerations for digital & online security at Jewish institutions

November 28, 2012

The hackings of 82 synagogue websites during Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense by the “Moroccan Ghosts” brought appropriate responses from law enforcement agencies. The intrusions should remind us that cybersecurity is in our own hands. The following recommendations from the ADL make sense.

Read More Considerations for digital & online security at Jewish institutions

NYPD High Holiday Briefing: Increased vigilance

September 10, 2012
Michael Miller addresses
NYPD High Holiday Briefing

Unfortunately, some of it sounded familiar. At the NYPD High Holiday Briefing on September 5th, NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly reported that, once again, the Jewish High Holidays brought with them heightened threats against Jewish institutions. Fortunately, the NYPD will respond with additional coverage.

Commissioner Kelly invited Michael S. Miller, Executive VP & CEO of the JCRC-NY to speak at the briefing. Michael Miller spoke of the role that the leaders of Jewish institutions have played as partners to the police and how they can do more. He also recognized the importance of intelligence operations, which interrupted the Riverdale and Manhattan bomb plots against synagogues.

Read Michael Miller’s remarks after the jump.

Read More NYPD High Holiday Briefing: Increased vigilance

It’s Elul — planning security for the High Holidays

August 27, 2012

As the High Holidays approach, organizations should be refining their security arrangements, along with their other planning obligations. Those responsible for synagogue security are not alone. Some important resources follow:

  1. Attend the NYPD High Holiday Security Briefing with Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly at One Police Plaza on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 at 11AM. RSVP’s are required. Email your reservation to Sgt. Richard Taylor in the Office of the Chief of Community Affairs by clicking here. See the information about the Nassau County Police Department’s meeting to discuss its High Holiday Policing Strategies at
  2. Review the ADL Security Recommendations for the High Holidays below.
  3. Check out the JCRC-NY’s presentations on High Holiday access control and preparing for the unexpected below the ADL recommendations. Read More It’s Elul — planning security for the High Holidays

Again, active shooters

July 20, 2012

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the shootings in Colorado. The greatest horror is the realization that such incidents are all-too-easy to commit. How should organizations plan to protect their students, staff, congregants and others?

Recommendations (scroll down for resources)

There are no perfect solutions, but planning and training can mitigate active shooter incidents. The first step is maintaining good access control. Keeping someone who wants to do harm outside is the best way of protecting those inside.

  • Evacuate: Building occupants should evacuate the facility if safe to do so; evacuees should leave behind their belongings, visualize their entire escape route before beginning to move, and avoid using elevators or escalators.
  • Hide: If evacuating the facility is not possible, building occupants should hide in a secure area (preferably a designated shelter location), lock the door, blockade the door with heavy furniture, cover all windows, turn off all lights, silence any electronic devices, lie on the floor, and remain silent.
  • Take Action: If neither evacuating the facility nor seeking shelter is possible, building occupants should attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by throwing objects, using aggressive force, and yelling.
  • Other considerations?
    • Train building occupants to call 911 as soon as it is safe to do so.
    • Train building occupants on how to respond when law enforcement arrives on scene.
    • follow all official instructions, remain calm, keep hands empty and visible at all times, and avoid making sudden or alarming movements.

Summer camps

Summer camps bring special challenges, especially when the campers are young. Planning and training may be even more critical, but the general guidance remains:

  • Evacuate. Staff should know your plan and be able to evacuate to a safer area, if possible. It will be difficult to run with groups of young children.
  • Hide. Summer camp structures are rarely constructed in a way to withstand an attack by a determined intruder and they rarely have heavy furniture that might be used to blockade a door. If no secure structure is available, consider designating scattered, but assigned, assembly points for each small camper group. By making an intruder search for victims (over many acres of campgrounds)  this tactic buys some of the  time necessary for help to respond. Staff should be prepared with “quiet activities” alternatives. This is a situation when good communication can be the difference between life and death.
  • Take action. The actions available in summer camps are dependent on the ages and abilities of the groups involved.


Schumer, Gillibrand on Homeland Security grants.

July 10, 2012


Schumer and Gillibrand Secured over 30% Of Total Funding For Organizations Based in New York Out of the Total $10 Million Granted to Awardees Across the Country

The Awardees Include 42 Jewish Educational Institutions and Congregations; The Money Will Help These At-Risk Nonprofits For Security Preparedness

Schumer, Gillibrand: These Schools and Congregations are Vital Parts of our Community – the Grant Money Will Go To a Good Cause

U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand today announced that 42 New York Jewish organizations, including schools and congregations, have received a combined total of $3,419,184 for the 2012 fiscal year as Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Awardees. The program, run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, awards federal funds to nonprofit organizations that are at a high risk of a national terrorist attack to encourage preparedness efforts.

Read More Schumer, Gillibrand on Homeland Security grants.

Details of May 11th Terror Arrests

May 13, 2011


This afternoon Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a press conference to announce the arrest of two suspects accused of plotting to bomb a major synagogue in Manhattan. Michael Miller and David Pollock of the JCRC were invited and attended. Watch the video of the press conference in low or high bandwidth.

Mayor Bloomberg explained in his opening remarks:

“Yesterday, detectives from the NYPD arrested two men who said they wanted to destroy a major synagogue in Manhattan, and then purchased several weapons and a hand grenade from an undercover officer.

“Fortunately, long before their aspirations could take hold, New York City police officers were watching them and were in a position to take them into custody, before they could maim and murder innocent New Yorkers.

Read Mayor Bloomberg’s full remarks here.

Ahmed Ferhani, 26, and Mohamed Mamdouh, 20, are charged with multiple felony counts and hate crimes carrying a maximum sentence of life in prison without parole. In the course of the investigation Mr. Ferhani expressed clear anti-Semitism and asked an undercover officer whether he would join him in a plan to bomb a synagogue.

Manhattan DA, Cyrus Vance, Jr., noted:

“The defendants plotted and took concrete steps to bomb synagogues and kill Jewish New Y orkers as an act of terrorism”

Read DA Vance’s statement here. Read the full criminal complaint providing more details here.

NYPD Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly described the police activities leading to the arrests and commended NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence David Cohen and his team for their outstanding work. He also commented that:

“While there are no specific plots targeting New York City in the wake of Bin Laden’s death, this latest case reminds us that we must remain vigilant every day.

Read Commissioner Kelly’s account of the investigation here.

When the news of the arrests broke this morning the JCRC called for heightened vigilance and tighter access policies in a security alert to synagogues, yeshivot and other Jewish institutions. Read the recommendations here.

Organizations wishing to apply for Nonprofit Security Grants will find more information at and can reserve for the JCRC May 23rd  Grants Webinar here. Find guidance and practical suggestions on how to increase the security of your Jewish institution at:

Heighten awareness, register for nonprofit grant seminar

May 02, 2011
  • Jewish organizations should have heightened awareness in light of the current situation.
  • Start your Nonprofit Security Grant application now, the application period is likely to be shortened.
  • Grant training webinar scheduled for Thursday, May 12th.
Get more info at: /securitygrants
Law enforcement and Homeland Security officials are counseling that Americans should heighten their awareness regarding possible terrorist activity. All organizations should do so. For more information on basic security click here.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security  (DHS) Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) offers a competitive grant to eligible nonprofit organizations planning to install hardware and conduct training to support target hardening and counter-surveillance.

The program this year was delayed (along with many other allocations) by the budget battle and details  about the grant program have not yet been released. For the latest suggestions on how to put together a successful application reserve here for the online JCRC webinar (see below) on May 12th at 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

The following includes the current available information:

  1. Announcement of details. DHS tentatively scheduled the release of their guidance to the state agencies on May 9th. Those agencies, including the NY Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) will prepare their Request for Applications as soon as they reasonably can. 
  2. A shortened application period is likely. DHS will not announce when the states’ applications will be due until they release their guidance. However, many have speculated that the application period will be shortened, possibly to 30 days. Nonprofits wishing to apply for FY2011 Nonprofit Security Grants should start working on their application immediately.
  3. The Investment Justification.  DHS indicates that the core of the application, the Investment Justification, will not be significantly different from last year’s. Download the Investment Justification from last year and begin to prepare answers to those questions ASAP. This year the Investment Justification will be in a MS Excel format. You will be able to paste your answers into the new DHS template.
  4. Non-recipients will have an advantage. The most significant change this coming year is that preference will be given to nonprofit organizations that have not received prior years’ funding. That doesn’t mean that past grantees cannot apply. However, they will be at a competitive disadvantage.
  5. JCRC grant trainings.The JCRC has sponsored trainings annually and those following the JCRC suggestions have a high success rate. The information provided will include tips on how to complete the Investment Justification and an introduction to the New York application process.
Based on input from past participants, we are offering this session exclusively over the internet. Information applicable to all eligible applicants will be presented at the beginning of the webinar, followed by NY specific guidance.

For further information contact Dov Horwitz at

Note that all of this information is tentative. The JCRC webpage ( will have ongoing guidance.

Incendiary Packages Target Government Buildings in Maryland

January 07, 2011

NYPD SHIELD Terrorism Assessment
Open Source Assessment
January 6, 2011 Information cutoff: 4:00 PM
NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau Terrorism Threat Analysis Group

Key points. Two packages ignited shortly after being opened in two separate government buildings in Maryland. Investigators are examining two additional suspicious packages in a courthouse and a state office building in Baltimore.

The first device ignited in the mailroom of the Jeffrey Building, located in the state capital of Annapolis. A second device ignited at the state’s Department of Transportation headquarters, located in Hanover, Maryland. Two people suffered minor burn-related injuries. No claim of responsibility has been made.

Details of Incident. On Thursday, January 6, 2011, two incendiary devices concealed in packages ignited in two government office buildings in Maryland. At approximately 12:30 pm, a package addressed to Governor O’Malley ignited when it was opened in the mailroom of the Jeffrey Building located at 16 Francis Street in Annapolis. The mailroom attendant who opened the package suffered minor burns on his hands. The Jeffrey Building houses several different offices of the Maryland state government, including Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, and the Secretary of State.

At approximately 12:45 pm, a second package of similar size and color ignited when it was opened in the mailroom of the Maryland Department of Transportation, located in Hanover, MD. The state employee who opened the package suffered minor burns, and several others were transported to medical facilities as a precautionary measure.
Both ignitions included a brief flash of fire, smoke, and an odor. Officials evacuated both buildings following the incidents. No claim of responsibility has been made regarding these incendiary devices.

Conclusions. Several factors suggest that the two devices that ignited may be linked: reports indicate that the packages were of a similar shape and color; both packages targeted government officials and buildings; and the devices ignited within approximately 15 minutes of each other. Moreover, the two devices that ignited appear to have been either poorly constructed or not intended to cause severe injury. The deliberate targeting of Maryland’s governor and state office buildings suggests that these attacks may have been motivated by anti-government sentiment.

Implications for New York City.

  • New York City remains a major target for terrorist groups and individual domestic terrorists. 
  • Explosive and incendiary devices concealed as packages have been used in the past by international and domestic terrorists and anarchists in attacks against civilians and government personnel.
  • Mailroom personnel, especially those working in government offices (JCRC comment: and Jewish organizations), should remain vigilant and keep an eye out for unusual activity and suspicious packages.

JCRC comments: Later reports indicate that the standard yellow padded envelopes had both excess postage and a fictional return address. Both are  standard indicators of suspicious mail. See JCRC’s guidance on screening suspicious packages and mail here.

    1. WP Editors. “Incendiary Devices at Md. Buildings.” Washington Post. January 6, 2011.
    2. M. Dresser, T. Bishop, J. Bykowicz “Explosive Devices Cause Injuries At Two Maryland State Buildings; One Addressed To O’Malley.” Baltimore Sun. January 6. 2011
    3. This Just In. Explosions at Maryland State Offices Injure 1. CNN. January 6, 2011.

    UK terror arrests a reminder: threat is real

    December 29, 2010

    The UK Christmas bombing campaign by nine alleged terrorists primarily targeted iconic sites such as the London Stock Exchange, Big Ben, the Millennium Wheel and the American Embassy in London. The religious sites on their list included Westminster Abbey and two British synagogues and rabbis (The CST is the lead British organization dealing with Jewish security, see their information here).

    Prosecutors reported that the group had conducted pre-operational surveillance of some of their potential targets and had tested explosives.

    This plot echoes many of the “homegrown terror” plots here in the U.S. and is a reminder that:

    • Anti-Semitism is a core component of Jihadist ideology.
    • Anti-Semitism is a common tool in the radicalization process.
    • Jewish-affiliated targets may be preferable for less sophisticated terrorists.
    • Jewish institutions may not be priority targets, but may become secondary targets or targets of convenience.
    Jewish organizations should continue to operate with heightened vigilance. Review our security resources for suggestions and guidance at: /securityresources. Timely articles include Tips on detecting hostile surveillance from our partners at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and JCRC’s Sample Building Access Policies and Procedures.