Category Archives: Jewish Security

High Holiday security: stay vigilant

September 13, 2016
Bernard Picart [Public domain], The Sounding of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah, illustration circa 1733–1739 by Bernard Picart from
Bernard Picart [Public domain], The Sounding of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah, illustration circa 1733–1739 by Bernard Picart from “The Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the Various Nations of the Known World”
Security and emergency planning should be an integral component of every synagogue’s High Holiday preparations. Here are some tools to guide you:

High Holiday Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning Library

Synagogue-specific Security & Emergency Planning

Consider the following elements of heightened vigilance:

  • Increase visible security measures. Someone planning an attack may look at your facility, conclude that it is defended and decide to go elsewhere. Several recent incidents also underscore that the presence of armed security and law enforcement personnel and the placement of security checkpoints do not guarantee that an attack will be averted or interupted. Nevertheless, their presence can enable the timely discovery and quick resolution of potential threats and reduce the lethality of terrorist attacks.
  • Review your policies and procedures. How else can you send a signal to outsiders that your facility is a tough target? For example, does your staff do regular inspections of your facility looking for something that, “Just doesn’t look right?” If not, start now. If they do, should you increase the frequency. Review JCRC’s Sample Access Policies and Procedures to identify additional steps.
  • Test your systems. OK, you’ve identified systems to screen your mail, respond to bomb threats and suspicious objects and you have an active shooters plan. The key question is: “Will they work in reality?” Do your panic buttons function? Test them (after you first alert the alarm company). Have you had tabletop exercises and drills covering multiple hazards? How can you make sure that your entire staff and constituencies are on their collective toes?
  • Check in with your local police. For most Jewish organizations, September is the start of a new program year. Reach out to your local police. Offer them the opportunity to get to know your programs, your rhythms, your people and your building. Ask them for suggestions as to how to make your people safer.
  • If you see something, say something. Think how to build a culture of security, because security is everbody’s business. If any of your staff, students, volunteers, congregants or clients sees or hears something suspicious they should feel comfortable to report it to the appropriate person in your facility and the information should be passed on to the police. In NYC the number is 1-888-NYC-SAFE. Elsewhere in New York State the number is 1-866-SAFE-NYS. Every tip is investigated.

Increased vigilance as 9/11 anniversary nears

September 06, 2016

VigilanceA recent federal bulletin urged state and local law enforcement to be on high alert ahead of 9/11 anniversary. It explained that that terrorists – specifically those aligned with
ISIS – “may be inspired or directed to conduct attacks against events associated with 9/11 memorial commemorations or other mass gathering targets timed to this date.” The report notes the symbolism associated with the somber anniversary as a motivating factor for a potential terrorist attack.

While the FBI reports that it is “unaware of any specific, credible information” of a plot against the U.S. homeland (or against Jewish communal targets), Daesh (aka “ISIS”) and Al Qaeda propaganda have repeatedly tried to inspire attacks by individuals  — such as the ones in Paris, Nice, Istanbul and Orlando — using firearms, edged weapons, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and commercial vehicles. Federal analysts note that there is an  “ongoing heightened threat environment.”

Heightened security measures should be in place through 9/11 and through the Jewish holiday season (Remember: the potential attacker in Aventura, FL was aware of the Jewish calender and planned to strike on a Jewish holiday in order to maximize the impact of his attack). Many of the terrorists responsible for recent incidents engaged in “pre-operational surveillance”, i.e., they checked out the site while planning their attack. Consider the following elements of heightened vigilance:

  • Increase visible security measures. Someone planning an attack may look at your facility, conclude that it is defended and decide to go elsewhere. Several recent incidents also underscore that the presence of armed security and law enforcement personnel and the placement of security checkpoints do not guarantee that an attack will be averted or interupted. Nevertheless, their presence can enable the timely discovery and quick resolution of potential threats and reduce the lethality of terrorist attacks.
  • Review your policies and procedures. How else can you send a signal to outsiders that your facility is a tough target? For example, does your staff do regular inspections of your facility looking for something that, “Just doesn’t look right?” If not, start now. If they do, should you increase the frequency. Review JCRC’s Sample Access Policies and Procedures to identify additional steps.
  • Test your systems. OK, you’ve identified systems to screen your mail, respond to bomb threats and suspicious objects and you have an active shooters plan. The key question is: “Will they work in reality?” Do your panic buttons function? Test them (after you first alert the alarm company). Have you had tabletop exercises and drills covering multiple hazards? How can you make sure that your entire staff and constituencies are on their collective toes?
  • Check in with your local police. For most Jewish organizations, September is the start of a new program year. Reach out to your local police. Offer them the opportunity to get to know your programs, your rhythms, your people and your building. Ask them for suggestions as to how to make your people safer.
  • If you see something, say something. Think how to build a culture of security, because security is everbody’s business. If any of your staff, students, volunteers, congregants or clients sees or hears something suspicious they should feel comfortable to report it to the appropriate person in your facility and the information should be passed on to the police. In NYC the number is 1-888-NYC-SAFE. Elsewhere in New York State the number is 1-866-SAFE-NYS. Every tip is investigated.

Emergency Planning for schools | Tuesday, May 3

April 15, 2016


Emergency Planning for Private Schools Workshop

Tuesday, May 3, 2016
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(Registration begins at 8:30AM)
Manhattan Municipal Building
North Mezzanine
1 Centre St, New York, NY 10007

This workshop is intended to provide guidance on emergency planning for private schools. Participants will receive training in the basic fundamentals of emergency planning and how to develop their school’s Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs). They will hear from subject matter experts from the NYPD, FDNY, New York State Police and the US Department of Education on available tools to support school emergency planning efforts.

The first half of the workshop will be a presentation from the US Department of Education Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Team (REMS). This portion of the program will provide an overview of the recommended six step planning process to create a high-quality school emergency operations plan.

The second half of the day will feature presentations by:

  • NYPD: They will discuss the Shield Program and other NYPD services available to schools.
  • New York State Police: They will demonstrate their school emergency operations planning template.
  • FDNY: They will cover fire safety and school evacuation plans.

Intended Audience:
Private school administrators and security personnel interested in creating, revising, or enhancing school emergency operations plans.

Registration for this event closes on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.

Cancellations must be received no later than three business days in advance.

NYCEM Academy provides reasonable accommodations. If you are in need of a disability accommodation, please send your request to

JCRC: training here, training there

January 26, 2016

The past few months have been busy with JCRC-NY coordinating major  training sessions for hundreds of institutions in the NY area. There is a heightened awareness of the potential for attacks and a willingness on the part of organizations to “Step up their Game.”

All of the trainings focused on security/terrorism awareness, building a culture of security within organizations and active shooter responses. Kudos and thanks to our wonderful partners, including: NYPD Counterterrorism, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. Our common goals are to strengthen the ties between law enforcement and nonprofit organizations and to empower them by giving them to tools and knowledge to respond as well as possible. Here’s some examples of our recent work: Read More JCRC: training here, training there

The Islamic State and the Jews

October 28, 2015

Screen shot from Hebrew language Islamic State video.

Stratfor, the respected, global intelligence firm,  just published an insightful analytical report, The Islamic State Weighs in on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, with the following forecasts:

  • Lone wolf attacks against Jewish targets outside of Israel will increase in the coming weeks.
  • Anti-Semitic violence will provoke reprisal attacks and vigilantism. 
  • Mimicking a recent string of knife attacks in Israel, assailants elsewhere in the world who sympathize with the Palestinian cause may use similar tactics.

The Stratfor analysis follows Washington Post and Haaretz reports of a series of Islamic State videos praising the attacks in Israel and calling for more. One of the videos featured a Hebrew-speaking, knife-wielding Islamic State fighter who labeled the Jewish people the primary enemy and called for their deaths in Israel and throughout the world. Some of the videos made their way through social media outlets accompanied by the hashtag #BeheadtheJew. There is also an ADL document describing the videos.

See these free, online courses from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, University of Maryland, for a deeper understanding of rise of the Islamic State.

While the almost daily attacks in Israel are deeply disturbing, we should be mindful that on December 7, 2014,  NYC evidently experienced its own “lone wolf” knife attack at Chabad Headquarters in Crown Heights. Even though law enforcement sources did not find that the perpetrator had any terrorist connections, the incident is a haunting reminder of what could happen here.

While law enforcement authorities do not know of any specific threats, Jewish institutions should review their existing security precautions and take appropriate steps to safeguard their constituents.

Think about:

  • Police relationships. Remember, one of the most important recommendations is to establish a close, working relationship with your local police authorities. They should know about your services, school schedules, special meetings, etc. Be in contact with the community affairs officer of your local precinct and let him/her know about the times of daily services and school arrival and dismissal times.
  • Protective measures. DHS just published: Potential Indicators, Common Vulnerabilities, and Protective Measures: Religious Facilities. This is an new (October 2015) and excellent overview of facility security and emergency planning. This can be used to set the agenda for your security/building committee to plan for the unexpected. There is also a good table with indicators of suspicious activity. Another new resource is Protective Measures for Enhanced Facility Security. Please review the documents and act accordingly. 
  • Security awareness. Law enforcement and Homeland Security leaders recommend that organizations train their staffs and constituencies in security awareness, especially the signs of suspicious behavior — in short, if it just doesn’t look right. If you see something, say something: in New York City (888) NYC-SAFE or elsewhere in NY: (866) SAFE-NYS.
  • Active Shooters. Click here for more information on active shooters and armed intruders.
  • Suggested Protective Measures
    •  Increase visibility of security and law enforcement personnel in areas adjacent to and in front of security checkpoints to deter unwanted activity;
    • Raise awareness among employees by conducting “all hazards” awareness training;
    • Establish liaison and regular communications with local, state, and federal law enforcement, emergency responders, and public health organizations to enhance information exchange or clarify emergency responses;
    • Report missing or stolen equipment to the proper authorities;
    • Raise community awareness of potential threats and vulnerabilities; and
    • Encourage employees, tenants, and visitors to report anything that appears to be odd or suspicious.
  • Click here to subscribe to the JCRC-NY Security and Emergency Preparedness Alert list. Review other JCRC-NY recommended resources here.
  •  If you want to arrange for trainings, access other resources or have any questions you can contact JCRC-NY here.

Looking forward to a safe 5776

August 25, 2015

The attacks on two synagogues in December, 2014 (in Har Nof, Jerusalem and Chabad Headquarters in Brooklyn) and the shooting in the Charleston church should inform our High Holiday planning. Security and emergency response planning must be an important component of your overall planning.

While there are no specific threats to U.S. Jewish institutions or individuals — out of an abundance of caution — JCRC-NY recommends that Jewish institutions increase their levels of vigilance. This is especially true during the High Holidays, when people know that Jews congregate.

As a general rule, synagogues should:

  • Create a culture of security. Institutions shouldn’t merely subcontract security. Even buildings with well-trained security personnel should expect that staff and constituencies should be part of the security equation. Everyone should have heightened vigilance in times like these. For tips on security awareness, click here and the ADL’s Guide to Detecting Surveillance of Jewish Institutions and 18 Best Practices for Jewish Institutional Security.
  • Be in contact with your local police. Someone (or more than one) should have ongoing personal relationships with key police personnel. They should know you, your building and your organizational activities:
    • Discuss your security procedures with them and ask them for suggestions for improvement.
    • Inform them of the dates and times of your services, regular events and special events.
    • Police coverage on the High Holidays
      • Special attention is given to a synagogue based on an assessment of the current threat balanced by the availability of resources. In some jurisdictions it is a longstanding practice to assign police personnel to synagogues during services. In others, patrol cars are directed to visit synagogues at regular intervals. Discuss your situation with local police officials as soon as possible so that they have time to make their assessment and to secure the resources that they need to protect you. They will be in contact with federal, state and county officials, as well as the regional fusion center to make their assessment. They also factor in local incidents.
      • In some instances the traffic conditions surrounding services warrant police attention and officers will be assigned.
      • Some police departments allow private parties to hire uniformed officers for events. For more information click on our contact form here and someone will get back to you.

Read More Looking forward to a safe 5776

Focus on resources: DHS Protective Security Advisors

August 03, 2015

PSA imageRecently, we received an inquiry from an out-of-state colleague. Some of his questions could be answered over the phone, but it was clear that an on-site consultation was in order.

I asked my colleague, “Do you know your Protective Security Advisor (PSA)?” He replied, “What?”

DHS employs PSA’s in all 50 states and many states have multiple regions. Our experience here in NY is that our PSA’s are a wonderful resource. They are hard-working, knowledgeable and professional.

  • Security surveys. Subject to time constraints you can ask your PSA to conduct security surveys and assessments of your facilities. We’ve joined our PSA’s during some of these sessions and their suggestions are both sound and pragmatic.
  • Training. PSA’s have access to a wide variety of training options, e.g. active shooters, suspicious packages, severe weather. Even if you don’t know your exact need, talk to them. They can open up a variety of resources for you.
  • Special events planning. Let them know if you are planning a high profile event. They can advise you on security and logistical issues.
  • Outreach. Get on their radar. They will invite you to various trainings and events.

Click here for more information on Protective Security Advisors. To contact your local PSA, please contact To contact NY PSA’s or if you have questions or need other assistance please complete the form below.

Hostages in Paris kosher grocery

January 09, 2015

We mourn the victims of the Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher Supermarket terror attacks and pray for the recovery of the injured hostages and police. The hostages were taken –and some lost their lives –merely because they were Jews. The decisive actions of French authorities helped to mitigate these horrible situations and prevent the further loss of life and we pray that the second hostage-taker be quickly apprehended without any further loss of life or injury.

Most importantly, these attacks make us even more grateful to the NYPD and other local police, the FBI and state agencies (DHSES) and the US Department of Homeland Security. Since Wednesday, the NYPD has paid  special attention to Jewish institutions. The law enforcement world knows that the Jewish community is in the cross-hairs of the terrorists and they have done an exceptional job protecting us here in New York.

Updates:(1:59 PM) According to open source media, Said and Cherif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly were killed following police seiges in France. The female suspect, Hayat Boumeddiene, is still at large. The hostage being that was being held at the printing shop in Dammartin-en-Goele was released and is safe. At least four hostages were killed being held at the kosher supermarket in Paris.

(12:28 PM) According to open source media, Amedy Coulibaly, one of the suspects in the kosher market hostage situation, has also been killed during a police siege. The status of his companion, Hayat Boumeddiene, is unknown at this time. It is believed that at least four hostages have been killed, 4 wounded and 4 French police officers were wounded.

Comment: Abraham Foxman of the ADL observed:

“The attacks on Charlie Hebdo and on a kosher store are linked by the perpetrators’ ideology, not just their acquaintance. Islamic extremism is a common enemy of Jews and democratic states. That message needs to be heard and internalized by governments and mainstream society.

Anti-Semitism is at the core of Islamic extremist ideology, interwoven with its hatred of basic democratic freedoms, and continues to motivate adherents around the world. The packaging of anti-Semitic narratives has radicalized followers and influenced numerous international and domestic extremists with tragic results.”

Official summary: Gunfire has been reported at a store in Porte de Vincennes in eastern Paris Friday. According to Agence France-Presse, an armed man has taken five hostages in a kosher grocery store. As of 0900 EST, open source media is reporting at least two people are dead and one injured.

Media are now reporting on the identity of the two individuals that are reportedly involved with the ongoing hostage situation at a Paris grocery store as Amedy Coulibaly, DOB 27 Feb 1982 (NUIN 5391291) and Hayat Boumeddiene 26 June 1988 (NUIN 5385979). A search of DHS holdings indicate both suspects have no connection/travel to the US. Hayat Boumeddiene is the first female to be associated with the attacks in France.

Media is linking these two suspects with the Kouachi brothers based on their social and criminal activity. Media is also claiming that Coulibaly is responsible for the fatal shooting of a French policewoman on 07 January, 2015. At this time however, we have seen no official connection between the incidents.

Implications for New York: There are no known, credible threats against New York or its Jewish community. Out of an abundance of caution, the NYPD is giving special attention to many Jewish institutions.


  • Remember, one of the most important recommendations is to establish a close, working relationship with your local police authorities. They should know about your services, school schedules, special meetings, etc. Be in contact with the community affairs officer of your local precinct and let him/her know about the times of daily services and school arrival and dismissal times.
  • DHS just published: Potential Indicators, Common Vulnerabilities, and Protective Measures: Religious Facilities. This is an new (April 2014) and excellent overview of facility security and emergency planning. Ie used as the agenda for your security/building committee work to plan for the unexpected. There is also a good table with indicators of suspicious activity. Another new resource is Protective Measures for Enhanced Facility SecurityPlease review the documents and act accordingly. Protective-measures-cover
  • Law enforcement and Homeland Security leaders recommend that organizations train their staffs and constituencies in security awareness, especially the signs of suspicious behavior — i.e., it just doesn’t look right. If you see something, say something: in New York City-1 (888) NYC-SAFE or elsewhere in NY:
  • Click here for more information on active shooters and armed intruders.
  • Demonstrating an unusual interest in or unusual questions about security procedures, or engaging in overtly suspicious actions to provoke and observe responses by security or law enforcement officers;
  • Demonstrating an unusual interest in entry points, peak days and hours of operation, security personnel, surveillance assets (including cameras), and access controls such as alarms, barriers, doors, gates, or locks;
  • Demonstrating an unusual interest in security reaction drills or procedures;
  • multiple false alarms or fictitious emergency calls to same locations or similar venues;
  • Loitering, parking, or standing in the same area over multiple days with no reasonable explanation;
  • Unusual interest in speaking with building maintenance personnel or security guards;
  • Attention to or avoidance of surveillance cameras;
  • Interest without justification in obtaining site plans, ingress and egress routes, and information on employees or the public; and
  • Garments not appropriate for the weather or season without a reasonable explanation.
  • Suggested Protective Measures
    •  Increase visibility of armed security and law enforcement personnel in areas adjacent to and in front of security checkpoints to deter unwanted activity; 
    • Raise awareness among employees by conducting “all hazards” awareness training;
    • Establish liaison and regular communications with local, state, and federal law enforcement, emergency responders, and public health organizations to enhance information exchange or clarify emergency responses;
    • Report missing or stolen equipment, to include weapons, to the proper authorities; 
    • Raise community awareness of potential threats and vulnerabilities; and
    • Encourage employees, tenants, and visitors to report anything that appears to be odd or suspicious.
  •  If you have any questions you can contact JCRC-NY here.

Thinking High Holiday Security & Preparedness

August 22, 2014

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas led to disturbing attacks on Jewish institutions and individuals abroad. While there are no specific threats to U.S. Jewish institutions or individuals — out of an abundance of caution — JCRC-NY recommends that Jewish institutions increase their levels of vigilance. This is especially true during the High Holidays, when people know that Jews congregate.

As a general rule, synagogues should:

  • Create a culture of security. Institutions shouldn’t merely subcontract security. Even buildings with well-trained security personnel should expect that staff and constituencies should be part of the security equation. Everyone should have heightened vigilance in times like these. For tips on security awareness, click here and the ADL’s Guide to Detecting Surveillance of Jewish Institutions and 18 Best Practices for Jewish Institutional Security.
  • Be in contact with your local police. Someone (or more than one) should have ongoing personal relationships with key police personnel. They should know you, your building and your organizational activities:
    • Discuss your security procedures with them and ask them for suggestions for improvement.
    • Inform them of the dates and times of your services, regular events and special events.
    • Police coverage on the High Holidays
      • Special attention is given to a synagogue based on an assessment of the current threat balanced by the availability of resources. In some jurisdictions it is a longstanding practice to assign police personnel to synagogues during services. In others, patrol cars are directed to visit synagogues at regular intervals. Discuss your situation with local police officials as soon as possible so that they have time to make their assessment and to secure the resources that they need to protect you. They will be in contact with federal, state and county officials, as well as the regional fusion center to make their assessment. They also factor in local incidents.
      • In some instances the traffic conditions surrounding services warrant police attention and officers will be assigned.
      • Some police departments allow private parties to hire uniformed officers for events. For more information click on our contact form here and someone will get back to you.

Read More Thinking High Holiday Security & Preparedness