For summer camp season, summer 2023 CSI has expanded and now has a full-time dedicated security expert to help enhance security at summer camps in New York State, specifically north of Westchester and Rockland counties. [Camps in Rockland, Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk and New York City will be covered by the existing CSI Regional Security Directors].
CSI’s Upstate Summer Camp Security Director and the Regional Security Directors will assist summer camp leaders to develop emergency operations plans, provide active threat & counselor training; serve as a liaison to local law enforcement and furnish security assessments for grants.
Contact Pat Regan to make an appointment.
He is available to meet with camp directors to help develop emergency operations plans, provide active threat & counselor training; serve as a liaison to local law enforcement and furnish security assessments for grants.
What is the Community Security Initiative (CSI)?
The greater New York City Jewish community is home to approximately 1.6 million Jews and
2,400 Jewish institutions, including synagogues, schools, camps, and other Jewish facilities. In
December 2019, UJA and JCRC-NY announced the creation of the “Community Security
Initiative (CSI)”, a comprehensive program to protect and enhance the security for the Jewish
communities and institutions of New York City, Long Island and Westchester (recently
expanded to Rockland County).
CSI’s genesis came in the wake of a rising tempo of Antisemitism in the U.S., including the
deadly attacks against the Tree of Life synagogue in 2018 and in Poway in 2019, as well the
significant increase in documented attacks and threats directed at Jewish schools, synagogues, agencies and individuals during 2019. These incidents included deadly attacks in Jersey City and Monsey as well as verbal harassment, anti-Jewish/anti-Israel graffiti and hate speech.