A peek at the NSGP guidance

Rumor has it that the Nonprofit Security Grant Program guidance will be released on or about May 25th, but that’s just a rumor. If past experience holds, New York organizations will receive 40-50 grants.

In preparation for the announcement, the Grants Division of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency prepared the following for its constituents. Their advice closely tracks JCRC’s advice: start your process with the steps below (adapted for NY). Of course the official guidance the the final word on the program.

Interim Guidance

The FY2013 Federal Budget for DHS/FEMA includes $10,000,000 for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) – the same amount as last year, which is to provide funding to eligible nonprofit entities in major urban areas for physical security upgrades. [The allocation will be further reduced by about 5% due to sequestration.]

Due to significant delays in Congress approving the federal budget this year, the grant guidance and application package for the FY2013 NSGP has not yet been released by DHS/FEMA. However we anticipate that the grant application package will be released in mid to late May, and that applications will be due very quickly after that.

For that reason, we encourage all interested applicants to begin preparing for the short application turn-around time by gathering together the necessary information as soon as possible.

The application template has not yet been released by DHS/FEMA, but based on prior year grant guidance, the following information will likely be requested – prospective applicants should begin putting this information together now in order to have it ready for the 2013 application (see the 2012 Investment Justification/application here).

NOTE: In all prior years, the NY Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services has been the sole “applicant” to DHS/FEMA on behalf of all of the applications submitted by the individual nonprofit subgrantees. Our assumption is that this will remain the same in 2013.

    1. Determine if your organization is eligible
      1. Must be a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization
      2. Must be located within a designated high-threat urban area [Still to be determined by DHS/FEMA, but the list from last year included NYC, Long Island and Westchester and can be seen here]
    2. Find your organization’s existing Dun & Bradstreet Number (DUNS) or get one by calling (866-705-5711)
      1. Note – you should not have to register with the Central Contracting Registration (CCR), as long as NY DHSES is the sole applicant on behalf of the designated area.
    3. Determine what your organization’s “risk” is, describing it in three concise categories:
      1. Threat. What potential terrorist threats do your organization face?
      2. Vulnerability. Based on the threats described, how vulnerable is your organization to that threat (how likely is it to succeed?) and why?
      3. Consequence. If the treat described above actually occurs, what impact would it have in terms of human casualties, property damage, and community impact?
    4. Propose a project that could mitigate the “risk” described above. [In recent years the Federal portion of the grant has been capped at $75,0000]
      1. The proposed project should directly address the threat, vulnerability or consequence described.
      2. The proposed costs must only be in the following categories described in FEMA’s Authorized Equipment List (AEL).
        1. Category 14 – Physical Security Enhancement Equipment
        2. Category 15 – Inspection and Screening Systems
        3. The link above provides an expandable list underneath those two categories – please ensure that all proposed costs can clearly be linked to specific equipment sub-items in category 14 and/or 15
        4. The proposed project budget should identify all costs (under categories 14 and 15) and add up to the total amount requested. [Federal amount, plus any additional amount provided through other sources]
        5. The proposed project should have a high-level timeline (assume sub-grant award by Sept. 01 2013, and a period of performance of no more than 21 months). Include at least 90 days in your timeline for Environmental/Historic Preservation (EHP) approval. [The award should be announced no later than September 30, 2013]

Any progress a potential applicant can make in addressing the items listed above should be able to be plugged directly into the FY2013 NSGP application template when it becomes available. With a shortened application timeframe, getting started now will help ensure timely submission of applications.

When the 2013 NSGP application package becomes available, the NY DHSES should provide the materials here.