9/11 Anniversary Threat

For weeks counterterrorism officials have spoken of the possibility of a terrorist incident coinciding with 9/11. Tonight, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, Matt Chandler, called the threat “specific, credible, but unconfirmed.” Another official said American intelligence agencies were urgently pursuing leads overseas in an effort to gauge the seriousness of the threat.

Our sources have speculated about the nature of the threat, but there is no information that  Jewish communal institutions will be targeted. However, the overlap of the 9/11 anniversary events with Sabbath services lead us to suggest heightened vigilance throughout the weekend. 

For specific security suggestions:


  • view our High Holiday Security Webinar at:
  • Download the High Holiday Security Thinkplate®: 2011
  • Visit JCRC-NY’s Security Resources website at: and subscribe to JCRC-NY’s Security Blog
  • Emergency Planning: Disaster and Crisis Response Systems for Jewish Organizations” published by Jewish Federations of North America, written by John Jay College of Criminal Justice and JCRC-NY
  • JCRC-NY Emergency and Security Planning for the High Holidays (PDF) The High Holidays are a special challenge for synagogues. Find tips for security and emergency planning here.
  • “Tips on detecting hostile surveillance” (PDF) Paul DeMatties, Senior Advisor on Corporate Security Programs and Director of the Counter-Terrorism Assessment Program, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
  • JCRC-NY’s Sample Building Access Policies and Procedures (PDF) Learn how to balance the goals of having your institution be both welcoming and secure.
  • “Access control considerations during high holiday services” (PDF) Dov Horwitz, Security Specialist, JCRC-NY
  • ADL Security for the High Holy Days and Other Special Events (PDF)



We lost the part of our video where our presenters were introduced.  Below please find some biographical information for them. 
David Pollock is the associate executive director and Director of Government relations of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC).  Mr. Pollock articulates Jewish communal concerns regarding community relations issues to federal, state and city officials. He is the liaison for the Jewish community with law enforcement officials and active in the development of security, emergency planning and community relations for the Jewish community.


Paul DeMatteis is the Senior Advisor on Corporate Security Programs and the Director of the Vulnerability Assessment Program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice here in New York. Paul has supervised over 300 Terrorism Vulnerability Assessments of Jewish organizations. He is a professional’s professional.

Douglas Andrew Smith is the Assistant Secretary for the Private Sector of the Department of Homeland Security. He is the key advisor to DHS Sec’y Janet Napolitano on how DHS policies affect private companies and the not-for-profit sector. Asst Sec’y Smith is our voice at DHS. We are fortunate to have him. Jarrod Bernstein is traveling with Sec’y Napolitano. Latest round of NSGP grants just released. Thank the Sec’y.


Mordecai Dzikansky retired from the NYPD. He spent five years as the NYPD liaison with the Israel National Police and Security forces, bringing Israeli counterterrorism tactics to NYC. He is the author of “Terrorist Cop” and the co-author of “Terrorist Suicide Bombings: Attack Interdiction, Mitigation, and Response”, which will be released in October.